taking care of others and not me

I've been married for almost 11 years and have 3 children. My husband has had health issues since the first year of our marriage and in that time, while taking care of him and our children, I have forgotten how to take care of myself. Now I'm fat and discouraged and don't "feel" like taking care of anyone. Any suggestions on how to get 'me' back?


  • MyDream
    MyDream Posts: 72
    Well, I can relate, and I only have my hubby and 1 child! I'm guilty of doing the same and you are definitly not alone in this. I (re)started this site and am on a journey of finding myself, losing weight, and taking care of myself like I used to, so many years ago. A friend request is coming your way, and feel free to check out my profile.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    The wake up call is that if you don't take care of yourself, no one else will and you are WORTH it! Your kids needs you especially and a healthy parent is a great lifetime gift for them! I am currently caring for my elderly obese mom and she would not be dealing with half of the problems she is if she had taken care of herself; so I am a little bitter. Just take it one day at a time, and start making changes in your "diet" (eat the outer aisles of the grocery store and don't go to fast food places at all)and start parking your car further away from store entrances to get those extra steps in; and drink lots of water. MFP is a great place to be encouraged as we are all trying to improve our health, one day at a time and there is always someone else who is experiencing the same kind of stuff you are who can empathize when needed. I encourage you to start today! Good luck. You are worth it.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Start a healthy eating pattern today. Tommorow, take a walk to start a healthy workout routine. It takes time to see results, but you'll feel better knowing that your taking the first steps to take care of yourself.
    Welcome aboard.:flowerforyou: