Movies: Miscast roles



  • rachel4304
    rachel4304 Posts: 115 Member
    I haven't even seen it yet because it's not even out and won't be out for a while BUT, the dude that they cast as Finnick in the new Hunger Games movie....
    I don't even know his name or his acting capabilities I'm just upset because he's white and Finnick is NOT. WHITE.

    I'll agree with this and up it one.

    Josh Hutcherson as Peeta? PSSHHH Puhleeze.... totally took me out of the movie.

    I actually don't mind him all that much, probably mostly because I read the book shortly before the movie came out, so I already knew the cast, so when I read it, he is who I pictured. Also, I don't really care about Peeta all that much so I was just like whatever lol.

    I think it was because there was absolutely no chemistry. I mean c'mon, it is *sort of* a love story - ish. I completely didn't buy it.
  • KBjimAZ
    KBjimAZ Posts: 369 Member
    Will Smith in the Wild Wild West movie. I watched th tv show growing up, and that movie just didnt do it for me.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Me. I shouldn't be playing me. Johnny Depp would make a better me than I do.