Really Stupid question

oliveoil7979 Posts: 112
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
Forgive my ignorance. I don't cook and know NOTHING about food. I am at the point where I need to repalce my lunch time slim fast for real food becasue I am not getting enough calories any more.
I am lazy and, again don't cook, so I thought tuna might be a good idea. I was thinking about whipping up a batch and taking to work and just make sandwiches everyday.

My long will the tuna stay good in fridge? Can I make 5 servings Friday night for my week, and will it still be good by Friday?

And any other good and easy "work" meal suggestions would be appreciated.


  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Drain tuna, mayo, and chopped celery (season as you like) and refrigeratored should be good for 5 days. Personally I would not want it around any longer than that! Eat it on a celery log, or some healthy crackers. I love hummus, pimento cheese, both which are also good on celery logs or with carrots or healthy crackers. The flatout bread is also a great way to make a wrap using the above mentioned items, as well as putting salad items and a little dressing and rolling them up to eat. Good luck on your quest.
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    How about some wraps? fill with meat ( ham, or chicken breast, turkey...) add some cheese and if you like you can nuke it for abourt a min viola lunch add a salad and you got a great nutritious meal. Same goes with sandwiches, soups ( have to be careful on sodium with those) or salads... If you need a snack for some extra calories, nuts, peanutbutter and an apple or veggies and some dip are great... getting hungry LOL
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Forgive my ignorance. I don't cook and know NOTHING about food. I am at the point where I need to repalce my lunch time slim fast for real food becasue I am not getting enough calories any more.
    I am lazy and, again don't cook, so I thought tuna might be a good idea. I was thinking about whipping up a batch and taking to work and just make sandwiches everyday.

    My long will the tuna stay good in fridge? Can I make 5 servings Friday night for my week, and will it still be good by Friday?

    And any other good and easy "work" meal suggestions would be appreciated.

    I dunno about 5 days.... might be pushing it.
    Can you make it Sunday night (3 lunches) and Wednesday night (2 lunches)?
    Less time in the fridge that way.
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    I try to keep 'grab & go' type of foods in my fridge so that I can just throw a few things into my lunch bag and off I go. Here are some examples:

    hard boiled eggs
    apples, grapes, berries, cubed watermelon and a babybel cheese
    I've recently discovered the small cans of pre-mixed tuna that are actually quite good. They are easy to just toss into my lunch along with some veggies or fruit and I'm done.
    laughing cow light wedges and wasa light rye crisps
    The one that requires the most prep is salad, and I've found ways to minimize that too: ready to eat greens and I chop up whatever veggies I'm going to add and put them in separate containers. In the morning (or night before) I just dump a little of each into my container along with a small container for the dressing. Pretty quick. To keep from getting bored I change the flavours - sometimes I top with tortilla strips and add some black beans. Chopped up hot peppers. Dried cranberries and slivered almonds.....

    All of this stuff is either ready to eat and individually wrapped, or I do the prep in one go at the start of the week to make it easy to throw together.

    If I make chicken, brown rice, quinoa, whatever - I always make extra. When I'm wrapping up the leftovers and put what I'd like for lunch into a separate container right then, so I just grab it out of the fridge in the morning.
    I use a lot of beans as well - that's just opening cans and rinsing them. I chop up veggies, sometimes a few other things, top with a yummy dressing and have enough bean salad to last through the week.
    Usually black beans, sometimes I add garbanzo (chick peas) and/or kidney beans. Black soy beans are good too. Just drain & rinse, then add chopped up cucumber, red pepper, red onion, a little feta and some chopped up kalamata olives. Add a healthy balsamic dressing, mix and you're good to go for the week. If you don't care for those flavours, change it up - beans are pretty versatile as a base flavour.

    Once I got into the habit of it, I started to be surprised at the 'interesting' lunches I can throw together. I try to make sure I have some sort of protein and some veggies/fruit.

    Good luck!
  • nhoffman08
    nhoffman08 Posts: 28
    I say 5 days is pushing it on the tuna. I would feel better about 3 days. There are many non cook options. Take some cottage cheese, strawberries or other berry fruit, yogurts, some nuts(almonds, chia seeds or pumpkin seeds), baked pita chips with hummus is so good! Be careful with sandwich or deli meats(high sodium).
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    A good idea would also be if you have a george forman grill to grill up 5 chicken breast on sunday night put 2 in the fridge and the rest in the freezer. Each time you take one out of the fridge replace it with one out of the freezer. You should have one thawed in time for lunch doing it that way. If you have a microwave at work get the steamed veggies then you can have chicken and veggies or you can bag up some veggies to eat raw on sunday while grilling the chicken.
  • oliveoil7979
    oliveoil7979 Posts: 112
    Thanks guys! You have given me some really good ideas.

    I have actually been sticking with the shakes so long becuase i have been afraid of my food choices, and I don't want to back slide and lose all my progress, but you have all given me some great meals, that even I can make! :laugh:

    Thanks again
  • Ladeejulz
    Ladeejulz Posts: 56
    My new favourite lunch is refried beans on a tortilla with some grated cheese, salsa and green onions. This is a great lunch because it has everything you need and it sustains you until your next snack or meal. Helps to keep your sugars at an even level without high/low spikes.

    Good luck!!
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    I used to do the shakes the first time I lost weight before my last pregnancy - I lost 65 lbs on them, but this time they just don't seem to be enough for me. You could maybe do your tuna or any of the other meals mentioned here (great ideas by the way thanks :wink: ) for 3 days and do a shake for two - I always paired my shakes with a snack like yogurt, fruit, celery, crackers and cheese, string cheese, etc... so that I felt like I was eating something plus adding a few calories. Hope this helps - You're Doing Great!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    My favourite is a cup of frozen veggies and 1/2 can of tuna (stored in 2 separate containers since you have to microwave the veggies) or a piece of whole wheat bread. You just throw 2 days worth of food in containers (2 days b/c you get 2 days out of 1 can of opened tuna), toss it in the fridge at work and presto, super fast lunch that also cost like what, 30 cents? Beats a lame salad you end up buying b/c you ran out of time to make it for $5 any day!
  • iditaron
    iditaron Posts: 6 Member
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