Splenda: Yes or no?



  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    A little story. About 12 years ago my husband and i started using Splenda in coffee or tea. Fast forward to 7 years ago, husband got extremely sick was in hospital for 17 days. Continued use of splenda. about 5 years ago I got sick went to many specialists finally wound up having 2 sphincter of odditomys performed. Continued use. Immediately after the first SOD I became EXTREMELY allergic to berries, bananas, and tomatoes. Continued use of Splenda. About 2 years ago my husband came across a news article that listed the many side effects. Hum..gastro issues and sudden food allergies. Stopped use and within 6 months we have had no more gastro problems or food allergies. Coincidence???
    Splenda is made with Chlorine like they put in a swimming pool. It doesn't digest and well we aren't meant to consume chlorine. 10 years of consuming chlorine..I could have filled a swimming pool... Olympic sized!
    Also to note a lot of citrus drinks contain Bromeniated Vegetable Oil or BVO. I put bromine in my hot tub DAILY!!!

    Yes, we are meant to consume chlorine. It is one of the major minerals found in the body and necessary for digestion among other things. We consume it through eating salt (NaCl), and through eating many vegetables. It is not the same thing as drinking the chlorine in the pool, which is mostly in the form of calcium hypochlorite or drinking bleach, which is sodium hypochlorite.

    Having a chlorine atom in a molecule of sucralose (Splenda) does not make it unhealthy.
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    A couple of years ago I tried Splenda -- got sick at work and had to have my son take me home. I finally vomited a sticky white glob and my system immediately felt better. No more Splenda for me.
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    Artificial sweeteners can be bad for you long-term. They have carcinogenic qualities.

  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    Can't handle it... tried it a few times but gave me horrible cramps.
  • Cassea7
    Cassea7 Posts: 181 Member
    Please dont eat splenda!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ..its a chemical and can really do damge to you..I ate 4 to 8 packs a day and i ended up with migraines and ruined my stomach lining and developed allergies to many many foods. I had hives almost everyday and was in the hospital many times.

    its taken 4 years to undo the damage..Through probiotics and l glutamine and a clean diet. I can eat most foods now safely ..but peanuts are still a no no:flowerforyou:
  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    Rather than supplement sweetness, try to train your palette to handle unsweetened foods and drinks, and then when you do want something sweet go for an all natural source that will have nutritional value (honey, maple syrup) and the calories won't be so bad.
  • Christie0428
    Christie0428 Posts: 221 Member
    I don't touch it (or any artificial sweetener), I regard them as poison!

    you are far better to have a little of a natural sweetner like raw honey or maple syrup.
  • SabrinaLily
    SabrinaLily Posts: 121
    When I go to Dunkin Donuts I get an iced caramel (or mocha) latte lite with Splenda added. Truly, everyone has different opinions about artificial sweetners and there's always some study out there that says they cause cancer. My opinion- it's better than the sugar I would normally have in it. I don't have time to sweat about every minute detail of what I eat. If I was so concerned, I'd have a garden in my back yard and just eat what I grew. Lol. Right now I just want to stay under calories but still enjoy the food I'm eating and guess what, Splenda helps me do just that. Good enough I say, at least for me! :):):)