The next time you think YOU have it bad.........



  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I have had it bad -- no food in the house and no money to buy any, either. I take nothing for granted.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    God or no God..poverty in the ' first world' is simply unacceptable
  • suv_hater
    suv_hater Posts: 374 Member
    I am not trying to start a religious debate or war here, goodness no, that would make me a horrible awful person in the eyes of many who troll the forums (which is why I typically stay away). I just want to tell you this: my prayer today is that God will meet my NEEDS, that God will meet your NEEDS and that we will all remember it is prayer, not a wish list.
    Why the cheapshot then?

    I find this God stuff fascinating. It seems that it works however people see fit. Something bad happens? Well, if we had God. Something good happens? God gets the props.

    BTW... how does this "God's will" thing work? Why is war, rape, poverty, genocide, natural disasters, and terrorism NOT God's will?

    I am not knocking anyone. I just want to understand people better. If you see someone in need of change for their groceries, I think that was the universe telling you that someone was poor and hungry and you were in a position to help. You did that and so kudos to YOU, not God. Where was God's food bank when she needed it? If God programmed you to be a robot then I am not sure I could trust your authenticity.

    It's just scary when you hear politicians say that rape is God's will and that Zimmerman guy say that he killed Trayvon Martin because it was God's will. What in the hell? I think people should take personal responsiblity over their actions, GOOD or bad.

    You did what you had to do. You did what you felt was right. If you had to convene with God before giving that lady some spare change then I find that sadder than the lady's situation. Do tribal people not help each other out? Atheism might start more internet wars but theism has started more real wars.
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    We need these daily reminders! It is so easy to fall into the woe is me mentality. Reality is everyone has problems/challenges! Lets be thankful for our blessings and realize there is ALWAYS some else who has it worse than us.
  • rachel4304
    rachel4304 Posts: 115 Member
    I am not trying to start a religious debate or war here, goodness no, that would make me a horrible awful person in the eyes of many who troll the forums (which is why I typically stay away). I just want to tell you this: my prayer today is that God will meet my NEEDS, that God will meet your NEEDS and that we will all remember it is prayer, not a wish list.
    Why the cheapshot then?

    I find this God stuff fascinating. It seems that it works however people see fit. Something bad happens? Well, if we had God. Something good happens? God gets the props.

    BTW... how does this "God's will" thing work? Why is war, rape, poverty, genocide, natural disasters, and terrorism NOT God's will?

    I am not knocking anyone. I just want to understand people better. If you see someone in need of change for their groceries, I think that was the universe telling you that someone was poor and hungry and you were in a position to help. You did that and so kudos to YOU, not God. Where was God's food bank when she needed it? If God programmed you to be a robot then I am not sure I could trust your authenticity.

    It's just scary when you hear politicians say that rape is God's will and that Zimmerman guy say that he killed Trayvon Martin because it was God's will. What in the hell? I think people should take personal responsiblity over their actions, GOOD or bad.

    You did what you had to do. You did what you felt was right. If you had to convene with God before giving that lady some spare change then I find that sadder than the lady's situation. Do tribal people not help each other out? Atheism might start more internet wars but theism has started more real wars.

    You and your logic
    > Out
    > Out with you! No place for that stuff here!
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    I don't believe in God, but I do believe that people should be grateful for what they have and not envy what they want. There is always someone who has it much, much worse than you.
  • jenniferrusso7393
    jenniferrusso7393 Posts: 189 Member
    To suv... I will put my "take" on things this way... A friend once told me that her brother was an atheist, and when probed,his response was "bad things happen to good people every day... where is your God then?" God does not promise us those things... not wealth, not even a good or easy life here on Earth... What i get is what comes after my Earthly life... That is my reward,and HE does promise us that...
    On a side note, I have been the person without enough money at the grocery store, and both times, there was an "angel" there to help me out...
  • ThisOtherGirl
    ThisOtherGirl Posts: 56 Member
    You know what's sad? We never know what we got till we lose it!
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    You know what's sad? We never know what we got till we lose it!

    So true!
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    God is indeed good. It truly is the smallest of things that keep us happy if you think about it. My husband, our family, roof over the head, food on the table, evenings and weekends together. Thank you Lord.
  • lfergurson1
    lfergurson1 Posts: 137 Member
    I needed this post today thanks for posting...
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Thank you for posting this! It really puts a lot of things into perspective.
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    We all need that reminder....thank you!
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    Thank you for sharing! love this...
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    Am I the only person that thinks the 'God is good' comments are insensitive? God wasn't that good to this poor woman in the grocery store. I appreciate the sentiment of the OP but not the 'whew at least it's not me'. Because that is what some of you are saying.

    It kind of seems that way to me also. Did this woman fall out of grace with God or something?
  • EmilyKingston
    EmilyKingston Posts: 11 Member
    (...skimming over the few flamers who feel the need to argue...)

    Thank you for sharing your experience and perspective! Much love.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I am not trying to start a religious debate or war here, goodness no, that would make me a horrible awful person in the eyes of many who troll the forums (which is why I typically stay away). I just want to tell you this: my prayer today is that God will meet my NEEDS, that God will meet your NEEDS and that we will all remember it is prayer, not a wish list.
    Why the cheapshot then?

    I find this God stuff fascinating. It seems that it works however people see fit. Something bad happens? Well, if we had God. Something good happens? God gets the props.

    BTW... how does this "God's will" thing work? Why is war, rape, poverty, genocide, natural disasters, and terrorism NOT God's will?

    I am not knocking anyone. I just want to understand people better. If you see someone in need of change for their groceries, I think that was the universe telling you that someone was poor and hungry and you were in a position to help. You did that and so kudos to YOU, not God. Where was God's food bank when she needed it? If God programmed you to be a robot then I am not sure I could trust your authenticity.

    It's just scary when you hear politicians say that rape is God's will and that Zimmerman guy say that he killed Trayvon Martin because it was God's will. What in the hell? I think people should take personal responsiblity over their actions, GOOD or bad.

    You did what you had to do. You did what you felt was right. If you had to convene with God before giving that lady some spare change then I find that sadder than the lady's situation. Do tribal people not help each other out? Atheism might start more internet wars but theism has started more real wars.

    I think the question(s) you pose and ask are such excellent ones and I think your manner in posing them is honest, sincere and marvelous. I will most humbly attempt to answer your question thusly:

    Ya know, one time, this really rich young ruler ran up to Jesus and asked Him:
    "Good Master, what must I do to be saved/to enter into The Kingdom of God?" and ya know what/how Jesus answered him? It is the answer to most of our questions, when we try to "understand" life, death, war, pain, love, hope, joy, goodness...Jesus answered the rich young ruler this way--He said:

    "Why callest thou me Good? There is NONE Good but God." He went on to talk to the rich young ruler, but what he asked of him...(to give away all that he had to the poor and Follow Him, well, the that was too much of a sacrifice for the young brother and he walked away sad...

    All this to say, where the greater majority of us get it wrong about God is that we honestly think we are "good" people. And compared to other people, perhaps we are--but compared to God, we simply are not. Liken it unto an ant, saying to one another, I don't understand how those human's think, speak why they behave the way they do...I want to understand like them--it's never going to happen, because though the ant is a special and wonderful creation of God...they simply will NEVER be able to comprehend all that we humans think or do, because they are of another kingdom. We people of of another Kingdom than God as well. The main difference between the ant and us and God and us is that God has given us The Godportunity to get to know Him and have a close and personal relationship with us, where He imparts a wee bit of His Knowledge, Understanding, Love, Grace, Power to us. Our requirement to obtain this tremendous offer from God is much like what you've done my humble and honest, your question(s) were/are indeed humble and honest.

    In order to get to know God Himself, He requires that we 1.) humble ourselves, 2.)pray (meaning talk to God, honestly, openly--even though you don't see Him.) Lot's of people think that's weird, but when talk on our cellphones to people we don't see and think nothing of it, so 1.)humble ourselves (that means taking the humble position that we don't have all of the answers and could possibly be wrong in how we feel or believe) 2.)Pray (went over that already) 3.)Seek His Face (that means totally by faith, without really knowing, we begin to go after Him, like we would go after a job, a wife/husband/a loved one, food, or whatever it is that we are hungry and thirsty after) 4.) Turn from our wicked ways (now because 99.9995 percent of people honestly think they are "good" the greater majority will not honestly admit that we are NOT good, that we are a wicked people by nature...wicked literally means "twisted" we humans naturally call/see evil as good and good as evil, that's just the way we are and I'll not take the time to explain that. Anyhoo, I ONLY write to "attempt" to give you the super short version answer--I hope it helps you and who-so-ever will. :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • lovelee79
    lovelee79 Posts: 362
    Thank you for posting this!
    I've been on both ends of this, counting dimes, as well as having an abundance of funds and resources. I am so grateful to have experienced both. I try not to take anything for granted. Thanks for this reminder and If I see someone struggling I will try to offer to pay.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Am I the only person that thinks the 'God is good' comments are insensitive? God wasn't that good to this poor woman in the grocery store. I appreciate the sentiment of the OP but not the 'whew at least it's not me'. Because that is what some of you are saying.

    It kind of seems that way to me also. Did this woman fall out of grace with God or something?

    I'm with you two.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Am I the only person that thinks the 'God is good' comments are insensitive? God wasn't that good to this poor woman in the grocery store. I appreciate the sentiment of the OP but not the 'whew at least it's not me'. Because that is what some of you are saying.

    It kind of seems that way to me also. Did this woman fall out of grace with God or something?

    No...God is no respecter of persons (like we people are, do and judge). This woman was/is struggling, just as we ALL struggle in one way or another. It has nothing to do with God's Goodness nor His has to do with her circumstances. Liken it to this....Ya know, years and years ago...when I was a child--medicine wasn't all sugary and yummy like many children's medicines are today--it was bitter, nasty and awful. Back when, a mere child may well have thought (as I did many a time) Wow, Mommy doesn't love me, she is making me take this medicine is it's so awful, it's horrible--mommy must hate me or I've fallen out of her grace because she is "allowing" me to suffer through this. Even though in my childish ignorance, I just didn't see "The Big Picture" I couldn't understand, because I was a child. Now that I am grown, I understand that it was her LOVE for me that allowed me to suffer. This is an extremely simplistic and base attempt to explain--but there you have it.
    Admittedly a rather "foolish" attempt at an explaination, but those with ears to hear...let them hear :flowerforyou:
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