Alone during this....



  • gigi_RN2013
    gigi_RN2013 Posts: 141 Member
    Omg I totally understand how you feel! All week long I exercise and eat healthy and then during the weekend I see my boyfriend everything goes down the drain. I realized that I should be my #1 cheerleader! Just remind yourself of how satisfying it would feel to reach your goal weight! I fight really hard to stay with my fitness regime when I'm around other people who aren't trying to lose weight. I guess it's just the way it is.

    STAY STRONG ! :):):)
  • kb_CG_wife
    kb_CG_wife Posts: 181 Member
    My husband is really supportive of me. Other than that, everyone tells me I don't need to watch what I eat or workout so much. In fact, just yesterday, a co-worker said I eat like a hamster...
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    I honestly think we are all alone in some way. No one else in my house needs to be losing weight, I do so i face it alone. But, I do have hugs and kind words when I need them but this is my solo journey. Do your best to support yourself. I'll support you as well... :):flowerforyou:

    I agree with this. When it comes down to it each and every one of us has our own journey and only we can take each step on that path. It would be nice to have someone to do it with. I have found that I am rubbing off on people. Even the kids. I'm getting them to exercise some and eat some healthier foods.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Sometimes you gotta forge your own path and set yourself on a certain journey.

    You'll be surprised who all you meet along the way.

    Also, how come nobody ever complains that they were alone and had no support when gaining weight? Probably because it's not very challenging to not watch what you eat and hardly move at all.

    Weight loss and fitness is really no more difficulty than eating whatever you want but secretly beating yourself up for packing on weight and having that inner struggle you discuss with nobody.

    Least that struggle is out in the open now and you're open to new possibilities. That's half the battle. Good on you. There's more of us sharing this road than you know. And people on the interwebs can be as good a support system as any. :flowerforyou:
  • Cacophony1
    Cacophony1 Posts: 12 Member
    Yes, ALONE with this..NONE of my friends will do it with me..and they are heavier than I am. I live in a house full of men...all slim, trim , slender and and over 6'2" Men !!!!

    Mom..aka Only female in the house with all Males ( Hubs & Sons)...UGH...
  • starfinale
    starfinale Posts: 309 Member
    Ultimately, we are all alone in this journey because no one can do it for us - I have to motivate myself, make myself workout, make myself choose better food options... no one can do that for me.

    Make use of the support you can get here on MFP - I certainly do!

    very true! thanks
  • starfinale
    starfinale Posts: 309 Member
    Omg I totally understand how you feel! All week long I exercise and eat healthy and then during the weekend I see my boyfriend everything goes down the drain. I realized that I should be my #1 cheerleader! Just remind yourself of how satisfying it would feel to reach your goal weight! I fight really hard to stay with my fitness regime when I'm around other people who aren't trying to lose weight. I guess it's just the way it is.

    STAY STRONG ! :):):)

    I love the #1 cheerleader statement!
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    I began this alone, but now I have MFP friends that are with me every step of the way. I also live alone, which some people would consider a positive. But, there's no one here at my house to keep me accountable! (and if no one's looking....)

    IMO, motivation is highly overated. It's not something that's permanent. It comes and goes. Balance and repetition will push you forward longer. You just have to keep plowing through it whether you want to or not. Eventually, food tracking just becomes habit. Now, I just do it. There are no questions about it. On the rare occasion I might go over in calories, it barely registers a blip on my emotional scanner. I just pick up where I left off immediately afterwards as if nothing ever happened.

    So, my advice would be to find yourself some MFP pals (and don't get too upset when some quit), approach everyday as if it was your first, take every "fail" as a lesson learned (or consider it a refresher, if you don't learn the first time :laugh: ), and learn to be happy with your everyday choices.
  • iqfem
    iqfem Posts: 3
    Hi there..I just started this plan and need to lose about 60 pounds. I lost my husband five years ago and every year I gained another 10 pounds, but this is the year that stops! I am 62 and people tell me not to worry about the extra pounds but I am the one living with it. I have tried many diets but never continue with easy to eat when you are own.your own :( Good luck to you and maybe we can support each other!
  • iqfem
    iqfem Posts: 3
    Great advice!!!
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Sometimes you gotta forge your own path and set yourself on a certain journey.

    You'll be surprised who all you meet along the way.

    Also, how come nobody ever complains that they were alone and had no support when gaining weight? Probably because it's not very challenging to not watch what you eat and hardly move at all.

    Weight loss and fitness is really no more difficulty than eating whatever you want but secretly beating yourself up for packing on weight and having that inner struggle you discuss with nobody.

    Least that struggle is out in the open now and you're open to new possibilities. That's half the battle. Good on you. There's more of us sharing this road than you know. And people on the interwebs can be as good a support system as any. :flowerforyou:

    I never thought about that. You're right though! Beating myself up for being lazy and overeating was a lot more stressful than what I'm doing now. Thanks for that insight. :flowerforyou:

    My husband supports me the best he can, but I've found the people that really understand what I'm going through are right here.
  • His_Buttercup2015
    His_Buttercup2015 Posts: 114 Member
    You're not alone as you think :) I found out a couple of my coworkers are dieting as well. Now we have something else to talk about. My guy isn't on as strict of regimen as I've put myself on but he doesn't help when he says you can have one day! Yeah and I gain 3 pounds...anywho just because nobody says anything doesn't meet they aren't rooting for you. And you know we are real people here too...I'll give ya a phone call if you need one! :happy:
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Yep, just me myself and I and taking one day at a time.
  • starfinale
    starfinale Posts: 309 Member
    I honestly think we are all alone in some way. No one else in my house needs to be losing weight, I do so i face it alone. But, I do have hugs and kind words when I need them but this is my solo journey. Do your best to support yourself. I'll support you as well... :):flowerforyou:

    thank you!
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    Surely you are someone's motivation and support, though? You keep on improving your own self!
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    I was doing it alone for several months, then last week my husband went to the doctor and his blood pressure was up. Doc tried to put him on blood pressure meds. So now, he is in it with me.... for however long it lasts. I am trying my best to help him stay on it. But if he gives up, I will stay the course. Good luck to you
  • I'm also very alone on this emotional/nutritional husband need to lose weight too but is VERY lazy so I workout alone and he also likes to go eat fast food which I get on him about ALOT but he pays me no mind *Sigh* so yea very alone here :(
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    My guy's involvement in this has been....

    1. Constantly cooking yummies that I eat n then make the rest of my macros fit with...

    2. When I asked him to look at a bf% picture chart, he picked the morbidly obese one(my stretch marks from pregnancy high weight of 204 are extreme and give my stomach a very floppy look)

    3. Bringing home pastries that just WONT fit in my plan in quantities that I eat...

    4. very rarely I do get an appreciative smack on the *kitten*.. lol.

    In his defense, he's 6'4 and physical, he can eat pretty much what he wants. Well he has a lot higher TDEE than I do anyways which makes it seem like he can eat what he wants.

    I have a sister who crash diets
    and a mom who complains about her weight, but doesn't do anything about it...

    I'd say I'm about as alone as the next person :)