whats the best plan for losing weight?

mrsbarton Posts: 78 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Im new here and was just looking through the success storys boards and was wondering...what are you guys doing to lose weight? is it just eating right, working out..what? i could not believe how GREAT everyone looked! wow really got my pumped up to lose my weight..but i kinda would like to know where to start and how to get everything going...i got about 65 pounds.(if not more) that i WANT to lose! im hoping this site will help me along the way!...SOOOO what did/are you guys doing?? how much have you lost and in how long? any info or advice would be GREAT!! thanks!


  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Hi there, welcome aboard! Well for my I am on my 7th week here. I really have been focusing on my diet until this week where ive added in some walking to my day. I have a 1290 calorie per day limit though usually about once a week I go over that by going out for dinner. Also the types of foods you are eat very important, as many veggies as possible and don't waste calories on too much junk if you can help it and LOTS of water, very very important. So far I have lost 19 lbs, and I weigh in tomorrow and have already peeked at what im looking at for this week and so far it looks like I can add another 3.5 to that or more tomorrow, for a total of 22.5 for 7 weeks. You can do it just with diet but If you have a lot to lose I would suggest adding in some weight training to reduce the chance of loose skin. I will be starting in at the gym with weight training and more cardio when I get back from my vacation. Good luck and I know many people here have some really good suggestion on what you can do to get things going.
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
    Welcome to MFP!

    Eat less, exercise more. That's what's working for me. At first I just focused on eating less, then eating healthier. I've cut down on things like bread, mayonnaise, red meat, processed foods, sodium, junk food. I try to eat a lot more vegetables and fish. I try and drink a lot more water these days. Now I'm all about exercising as much as possible.

    It's all about coming back every day and never giving up. I've been at this for 130 days now. It might take awhile, but we'll all get there eventually! :smile:

    Good luck!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    welcome aboard! You can do this,,, just choose to do it, and do it.

    This is easy - here's all ya' gotta do:

    Cook smart, lotsa good filling stuff. Some fruits, lotsa veggies, some grains-cereals, some starchy stuff, some lean meat. Almost nothing fried (and certainly nothing batter dipped & deep fried), and very very little pastry/cakey stuff.

    Count your calories accurately with the food guide here, and stay as close to your calorie allowance as you reasonably can. If you cook properly you shouldn't be too uncomfortable on the calorie allowance MFP will give you.

    Get some exercise - work that gym, walk a little every day, something - that's a huge help. Remember to log your exercise and eat at least some (I eat most) of your exercise calories. Exercise is a self-feeding phenomenon. If you push yourself to do just a little today (it's supposed to be hard,,, it's exercise ) then you'll feel better about it and it'll be easier to do it again tomorrow. Then in a week you'll be able to do more, and it'll start to get fun. In a year you might be running 10k's,,, it's up to you.

    And drink your water!

    That's it, piece o' cake. Wife and I have been doing it for about 16 months now and we've done well. Lost about 135 pounds between us, and we're in much better shape. You can do it too.

    "Do - or do not. There is no 'try"
  • Welcome!

    I've been exercising but focusing more on getting the nutrients at good figures & doing that healthily. I just view the exercise as a bonus.

    The fruit & whole grain intake has been good from a young age.
    Salt was hardly used in cooking.

    So recently, I've been

    drinking a min of 8 glasses of water a day
    using more vegetables in meals
    using a little amount of oil in cooking
    going for good fats & avoiding the bad fats & sugary items
    planning meals a few days in advance so the shopping is easier & I'm less likely to fill the trolley with unnecessary items & feel the need to consume them by the expiry date
    paying more attention to nutritional labels

    Also, I hardly had ready made meals but I just avoid buying them altogether so I can have control over the ingredients, for e.g. the amount of oil used.

    That was the key to my weight loss. Now, I have amazing control over unhealthy foods that are offered to me by someone else & that was the stage I wanted to get to.

    Hope this helps. Just tell yourself you can do it.
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    I agree with what everyone here has said and I'd like to add something. It's going to take TIME. There is no "loose weight quick" option. Period. Also...this is a mind set. I tried just about every diet known to man and it wasn't until I made up my mind that I was going to start being healthy. It's a mind set. It's a lifestyle. I started Feb 9th and since then I've lost 25lbs (and counting). My only advice is...if you mess up...don't quit. It will be worth it in the end.
  • mrsbarton
    mrsbarton Posts: 78 Member
    thanks everyone :):smile:
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