Responding on the thread



  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    Most of my "friends" on MFP are those whom I've met through specific threads, like challenges, etc. So I tend to keep up with them that way. I love having the newsfeed, but it does get awfully cluttered with how often MFPmember #1 has logged in and when MFPmember#2 hasn't logged into the site for 3 days....
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I try to comment on things that are truly impressive or on people who I know are struggling. That being said, there are some days when I am more "chatty" than others. Some days it's all I can do to get on and log my food. Other days I have a little extra time and I'll comment on everyone's losses. What I REFUSE to post on is every single "Completed food journal" and every single "whaaa" post. And... there are some people that I competely ignore... because they seem to always have a problem, hate what they're doing and in general... don't get it, aren't going to get it and are miserable.
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    I don't think this is something that I've ever thought about. Like DeathIsMyGift said, I'd be doing this regardless of the newsfeed. I do like the news feed as it seems more personal. Many people whom have been my forum buddies are now feeling like "real" friends because we can chitchat outside of the boards without sticking to a topic, debating, or whatever else we do in these forums, lol.

    I have the friends that I have because they are AWESOME! I don't comment on every little thing because I don't always see the point. And sometimes I log in and all I see is SoandSo burned (X) amount of calories, is under their calorie goal, blah, blah, blah....I don't always see the interesting stuff. I hope there are not friends that think I am ignoring them just because I'm not commenting.....
    I don't always have time to sift through everything. I try give praise for losses, when I SEE them posted. I comment on other comments for the sake of conversation. Just never felt like it was an obligation, more of a thing you do. You know?
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I have a couple people that I like to make sure I pay extra attention to. Folks I know have struggled, folks I know IRL. I mostly tend to respond to notes that folks have done something cool.

    "Tom completed his diary" - <Yippee-doo,,, who didn't :yawn: >

    "Tom burned 90,000 calories wrestling a wildebeest" - < Wow,,, Ok,,, "You rock Tom!!!" Wow again>

    Make sense?

    you are too funny! I just love reading ur posts and responses to threads
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Interesting thread.....and I like your perspective. I've been a bit of the opposite. Recenyly I find myself reading posts and seeing others's replies and I say WTF?!

    One friend finishes under calorie goal every day and gets an average of 3 "good job"'s but the food diary is horrific. We're talking fast food, soda, enough crappy food to make me barf. So I pass that on by.
    Another friend is "back on the bandwagon" about twice a week. It's exhausting to keep up and there's only so much motivation one can give before you, yourself , have to take responsibility and have the willpower to stay ON THE DAMN BANDWAGON.

    I guess I should clean out my friends list, HAHA!

    The diary situation you just mentioned is exactly why I dont post on the completed diary status. There are sooooooo many food diary cheaters (for those that remember the INFAMOUS thread a few months back!) and I dont have time to check eveyone's diary before I congratulate!
    diary food cheaters? wow, I must not be checking up that closely on ppl's diaries. LOLOL I guess I figure if someone has the need to be dishonest to themselves, it's not my business as it won't effect my goals only theirs. I'm having enough of a time living life, working, logging and enjoying life let alone chase down "food diary cheaters" I'll let the foodie police keep their eyes on them!:laugh: :tongue: :smokin:

    WOW I had no idea we as members were being so closely scrutinized, perhaps someppl have too much time on their hands?:huh:
  • bowbee
    bowbee Posts: 77 Member
    I try to keep a managable number of friends for that reason, so I can get to know them more individually. So I can comment on the new folks that send me friend invites. Lots of new folks everyday that could use encouragement so I try to make a note and do that. But mine are genuine I don't say something merely for the sake of saying something.

    We all like to feel the personal touch no matter how long we've been here, I'm more likely to drop a note on a person's newsfeed if they don't typically gets comments than if someones gets 30-40 a day on one issue from others. I don't get too many myself so I know how it feels when I do get one or two, it makes me feel visible!!! It makes me feel like I matter and that my presence here is known and ppl care. So I try and pay attention to how others are doing and pay it forward so to speak so others don't feel they are out there alone.

    Interesting topic, hopefully one that makes ppl stop and think about all their motivating buds on the newsfeed. I think when you have over 50 or even 300 friends :ohwell: :laugh: or for me anyhow I couldn't possibly feel I could keep up and be very indivualized let alone deal with the mess of all the newsfeed data all over the place. Thus why for me, it is best to keep a smaller amount of buds so I can get to know them more:flowerforyou: and see how they are doing in life.:drinker:


    My philosophy exactly! I just don't know if I could have put it as eloquently as Becca!! computer3.gif
  • bowbee
    bowbee Posts: 77 Member
    I'll let the foodie police keep their eyes on them!:laugh: :tongue: :smokin:

  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Oh no, let's not start down that path again! :laugh:
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Oh no, let's not start down that path again! :laugh:

    I remember that, hahahahahaha!
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    Oh no, let's not start down that path again! :laugh:

    I remember that, hahahahahaha!

    What path? *confused*

    I hate accidentally stumbling down thorny paths. ):
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Oh no, let's not start down that path again! :laugh:

    I remember that, hahahahahaha!

    What path? *confused*

    I hate accidentally stumbling down thorny paths. ):

    There was a nasty thread that was around a while back (not started in a nasty way at all, it just ended up that way) and had to do with people's food diaries.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i comment on how many days people have logged in because it shows focus and dedication. i comment on posts that are an invitation to share when i see them (such as 'we are going on a picnic' or 'what do you think' type posts). i don't comment on diary or exercise posts. also timing is important - i have extra time in the morning, so i comment on people's updates then. if they post something in the afternoon or evening, it's usually ignored.
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Oh no, let's not start down that path again! :laugh:

    I remember that, hahahahahaha!

    What path? *confused*

    I hate accidentally stumbling down thorny paths. ):

    There was a nasty thread that was around a while back (not started in a nasty way at all, it just ended up that way) and had to do with people's food diaries.

  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,003 Member
    I'm more inclined to comment on a status update that someone has typed rather than one that's automatically generated, but sometimes I don't even remember to look at the news feed. I have "My Topics" bookmarked because that's where I go first.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I wonder how many calories wrestling a wildebeest would actually burn...
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,003 Member
    I wonder how many calories wrestling a wildebeest would actually burn...
    Not nearly as many as I burned bathing two Shelties today, I'm sure! :laugh: One was extremely reluctant to get in the tub, and I have the wounds to prove it. :tongue:
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