Fell off the wagon and trying to get back on...

So, I needed to be completely honest with my fitfam and told them that over the weekend there were some festivities at my school and I went a little crazy in terms of eating. I didn't track any meals throughout the weekend and made them aware. I told them (and myself of course) that I was going to be right back on track first thing Monday morning. Well, it's Wednesday and I still haven't tracked any of my meals. I worked out Monday evening, but I haven't since then. I've been discouraged about gaining weight when I know that the only solution is for me to get right back on track and my birthday is in a little over a week so that's another thing I kept thinking about. I want to manage things okay on that day as well. All I need is some support, motivation and encouragement. My fitfam has been great to me so far and I don't want to let anyone down, especially myself!