Smokers who workout? what`s your challenges?

I`m a smoker, and I`m trying to quit, I find working out helps me not smoke so much cause I`m too tired but my issue is having a smoke before I workout, I`m just looking to see what other smokers issues are


  • JessicaDumont2
    JessicaDumont2 Posts: 100 Member
    I smoke also. I don't plan on quitting any time soon. But my biggest issue is breathing. Haha. :) I get so short on breath before I even really start working out hard. It's gotten a lot better and easier over the past week and a half. :)
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    Doing Insanity helped me quit. It was near impossible to finish Insanity without feeling like passing out and still keep smoking. Health, or keep smoking? I made my choice.
  • MiamiKid305
    MiamiKid305 Posts: 357
    Smoking and working out doesn't make sense and can actually lead serious health issues
  • LissaK1981
    LissaK1981 Posts: 219 Member
    The challenge - Quit haha! I smoked for about 16 years I think. I quit twice. It was easier the 2nd time. I used the fake herbal cigarettes the first time and went cold turkey the 2nd. A year later and my skin and hair has never felt softer. I once did a herbal cleanse by these guys - that actually make cigarettes taste like crap. I was taking them for something totally different but they may help you. The kind I took you take one type of pill in the morning and a different pill at night. I know it is hard at first. Sounds weird but the 2nd time was way easier. you can do it honey!