I got blood food intolerance test done !

Just giving feedback on my other thread where I asked if I should spend the 100 on this test.
Anyway decided to go ahead and get it done and this is the result:
Firstly she asked me why I wanted to get it done as Im not overweight (5ft 3in, 9st). I explained that I suffered from chronic tiredness and pmt. I also told her that I had gone low carb for the last 8 weeks and was feeling much better. I had always suspected wheat was a culprit but I wasnt sure if dairy could be..so was interested in the resuls
So the good news was nothing major jumped out. Eggs came up as very strong reaction all right (anyone on low carb knows how much eggs one can eat !!). So she advised instead of eating 2 a day maybe only eat them 2/3 times a week.
I was suprised that wheat & oats came up as mild..wasnt sure if it would show up at all as I have cut them out for the last 8 weeks. She said that if I had been eating them they would have come up as very strong. And finally cashew nuts !! Fair enough I can live with out them, lol.
Very surprised (yes, I know I was surprised alot) that I had no reaction to dairy as I eat alot of cheese also drink alot of soya but again, no reaction.
Im very happy that I got it done as I have struggled with tiredness and pmt for years..finally gave into my doc and was put on medication. Am feeling 100% better but like anyone dont want to be on any medication. My next step after cutting down carbs was to cut out dairy to see if that helps. I now know there is no point doing this. I guess I have to accept that its a hormonal imbalance that I have and that cutting out food groups isnt going to help, so am now happy to stay on the meds.
So gonna keep on the low carb as feel so damn good on it and cut down on the eggs ;)


  • BarbBBQ
    BarbBBQ Posts: 49 Member
    I had the same done and I too had a strong reaction to eggs. I was gutted. Soy as well. That was about 3 years ago. I am back to eating eggs Thank God! I recently was re-test with the skin test and the only thing that came up was cats!!! Have you had your thyroid checked? I started meds for that last year and it was a God send. This year I have found out it is my hormones :( It's always something! Well you've lost 10lbs so I guess that must be working for you!!! Are you eating no processed carbs? Good luck on your journey---keep up the good work!