How to maintain?

I have reached my goal weight of 112 lbs (I am 5ft4) but have no idea how to maintain the biggest thing is I dont want to put anything back on. This seems the hardest part I have been eaten extra treats here and there and felt I had been eating so bad but I have dropped to 111 lbs... just need tips really how to maintain my current weight.

I hate eating unhealthy foods now apart from the odd treat and hate feeling bloated and lookinf bloated
After working so hard so cant eat tooooo much food as I get full so quickly now.

Also I have found that if I eat bread I can feel full and bloated all day and my tummy bloats and sticks out and can ache... I love bread why is this lol

Help :-( x


  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Keep your eye on the scale and increase your calories by 100 cal increments weekly until you find your maintenance.
  • drop_it_like_a_squat
    drop_it_like_a_squat Posts: 377 Member
    Eat what your body burns.
    It's probably up to some trial & fail. Up your intake, keep it that for some time, see how your weight changes, adjust.
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    I don't always track my food, but I do weigh myself everyday. I give myself a three pound cushion because I know weight fluctuates. When I hit the +3 amount, I cut back and track very bite until I am back under my goal weight. This works for me. Just never let it get back out of hand. 3 pounds is easier to lose than 20.
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    Both previous answers are correct, it is trial and error and you need to learn what your body needs to maintain. I have been maintaining an 8 stone weight loss for 5 years and I do fluctuate about 10lbs either side depending on time of year etc...

    I log all my cals and exercise here so that I can see what works and what doesn't. Do a calculation on your TDEE and work from there...

    On the bread front. You are probably slightly wheat / gluten intolerant. It is very common and I also can't eat bread. I love it but it doesn't love me. You probably are only noticing now you are eating more healthily and aware of your body more...

    Feel free to add me if you like. I honestly think maintenance is much harder than losing because you don't have the glory of the scales going down each week to keep you motivated!!!

    Good Luck Jules xx
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    I don't log my food/exercise during maintenance, but I log on to MFP every day, just a little reminder to myself I guess. I only weigh myself about once every other week, don't want to be too obsessed about it. Time to let go of the counting.

    The way I maintain is by setting myself a weight range, I'm allowed to fluctuate up and down by, say, 2 lbs. I've also set myself a maximum allowable weight. As soon as I hit that, I'm super strict on myself again until I'm back to my normal range.
    Unfortunately that actually happened to me just last week, that I crept over my max weight, but I'm nearly back down again.

    Edit: I see Laura8603 said the same! :smile: