The Plan by Lyn-Genet Rasitas

Hi, folks;
Anyone on here doing The Plan? It includes an initial 3-day detox in which you eat specific (weird) foods like flax granola and blueberries and tons of certain veggies. After those 3 days, you add foods in one at a time to see if you gain or lose weight. If you don't lose at least 1/2 pound, you are "reactive" to the food and it is causing your weight gain/inability to lose weight. It concerns inflammation and the philosophy that inflammation is responsible for our weight problems. I have been on The Plan for 6 days and have lost 7.2 pounds. I was skeptical at first, but I have discussed this with dietitians and nutrition experts, and they confirm that it is based in logic. AND IT WORKS!! If anyone else is doing this, let's be buddies! Have a great day!


  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Sounds rather complicated for something terribly uncomplicated to me.