Please Help-stumped



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    OP, how long have you been at this? It took almost a full month before I saw any movement on the scale or tape measure. I felt better - stronger and more energetic - but I guess my body was adjusting to my not sitting all day.

    I know everyone on here swears by the online TDEE calculators but they are not always correct. Just from reading posts I think they are more often incorrect for older women. They were wrong for me (I'm 51). You are fairly short so you may not need much more than 1200 net calories. But you will most likely need more than that on days you exercise. Try to listen to your body. Not to cravings, but if you are really hungry, eat.

    I don't know if you've hit menopause yet but losing muscle and bone is bigger concern once you get near this age. Be sure to keep your protein up and include exercises that provide resistance. And don't go low-fat as fat can be very satiating.

    ETA: And talk to your doctor about your meds and diet.
  • kjscala
    kjscala Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks, guys and gals:-) I will definitely start eating more calories! I should add, too, that my calories "logged" in MFP coordinates/links w/ my fitbit. Those aren't all "exercise" calories. That is the whole busy mom of 2 plus exercise number. But I agree, the way I'm doing it is NOT working so I need to change it. Moving onward and hopefully downward!...
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Thank you, CM9178 for the helpful and POSITIVE feedback. BurtHuttz, FYI I was responding to CM's question and I wasn't trying to "bump" or ignore postings/replies. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. And you seem cranky--you may want to grab a snack.

    Burt seems cranky? Really? From my read-through of this page, if I were ranking crankiness of responses, he wouldn't be at the top of the list. However, a different post really stood out as being clearly crankier than the rest. I won't ruin the suspense by telling you which one that was, but you can probably guess.

    As for your situation, you've received a lot of pertinent responses, most of them saying the same thing. I'd suggest considering that as a really good starting point.