Feeling defeated and lost



  • mercurysfire
    mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
    totally agree w/luckyjula. if the gym isn't something you can make time for or want to do then don't. not now. there's plenty of stuff you can do at home that is just as beneficial, and more so because there's no travel time etc. there's even video games out there that are reasonably priced and you can do them as you can. i like wii zumba because it's a pretty intense cardio session and you can do short, medium or full length classes. and it's totally fun. :) find something you like enough to work it into your day. it gets a lot easier after that.
    as for what you eat, actually weigh and measure everything for a few days. write it down, log it, take photos, whatever you have to do. i tend to pick while i'm cooking, and it shows after a couple of days...it's a bad habit. if you don't want to log it, don't eat it.

    don't lose heart. everybody has been there. take a little time and get your head back together. :) remember why you were doing this in the first place and start moving around a little when you get the chance instead of dreading the gym. you'll be surprised at how good you feel when you get moving and remove the sense of dread from that one thing.
  • sauci
    sauci Posts: 94 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! The only time I have to myself is when I go to the bathroom, so I actually started doing body weight exercises everytime I go. I started drinking more water to force myself to go more, so I can do squats or pushups or lunges. Ridiculous!!! But that is what it has come down to.

    OMG I do this! I told someone once and they laughed so hard I have kept it a secret since! I feel much less mental now I know you do it too and it really works.

    Ember give this a go it really works I do it when I brush my teeth, make a cuppa, and I do side leg lifts when I wash the dishes & and do a little wiggle or lunge when I hoover. Its all a bit strange looking but makes house work a bit more fun! Recommend not doing it whilst you have visitors though!
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    Here it is...the 30 Day Squat Challenge...

  • sauci
    sauci Posts: 94 Member
    Don't lose sight of what you have already achieved ... -20lbs!!
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    Hang in there my friend.
    Don't wait for the kids to go to bed---walk with them, run while they bike [in a park where you can see them, let them bike circles around you], dance while they dance to a video workout, play on the playground. Older kids? Do they do track or sports? Walk while they are at their sport's practice.

    Also--get those kids and husband on board to help you with chores--and support your need for exercise.

    I know it is hard but at one time I was getting up very, very early in the morning to get my work out in while my daughter was not yet up.

    You can do it.!
  • Snatched614
    Snatched614 Posts: 115 Member
    No pity parties... I say jump back in determined more than ever!!! Get yourself some dvd's to use while at home. Not sure of your schedule, but im an early bird. I joined a fitness bootcamp and workout 3 days a week with them 6-7AM in the morning. Then find alternative ways to play with the kids and get it in (exercise). Not sure of the ages, but can you take them rollerskating, biking, paddle boats? STAY MOTIVATED and ENCOURAGED... Don't look at your hubby any type of way ATTACK him :) all in the sake of calories and I mean it in the best way.... you can do it!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Could it be that you were/are trying to eat at too large of a deficit? That's a common source of the pattern of weight loss and your feelings that you described.

    Here is a good link to help ensure you have covered to bases (or to set you on the right track, if necessary): http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/963088-level-obstacles-lose-weight-target-fat-easy
  • RawCarrots
    RawCarrots Posts: 204 Member
    I think we all have days like that, you'll just have to pick yourself and keep going! Tomorrow is a new day

    Just wanted to echo what the others are saying about exercise, you have two perfect little excuses there to keep moving :-) I'm currently home with a toddler (older ones in school) and used to be very sedentary, I'm an expert in finding games that require very little movement from me. Have been trying to change that lately and I'm amazed how many calories I burn from 30mins walking pushing a stroller! Try a DVD at home, the 4yo would love to join :-) I tried JM before and all my three were next to me doing jumping jacks and squats, didn't have dumbbells so we used couple of tins of beans and tomatoes each - they thought it was the best thing ever! (I injured my knee so that was the end of it) Today I saw a lady pushing a stroller with a toddler in and around 4yo on the buggyboard on the back, she was in her jogging gear pushing as fast as she can... Concentrate on things you can do with them and don't be perfectionist, every little counts.

    My guy is so used to our walk now that once the older ones leave for school he brings me his shoes and lines up at the door ready to go. Many times I've been tempted to skip the walk but he doesn't let me :-) It's only been few weeks since we started but it seems he will keep me going

    I have no advice on the gain, if you can't explain it with food/exercise changes maybe check with you GP about getting blood tests done?

    Don't give up, you can do it!