
So, to inform all of my friends here on MyFitnesspal, I want to tell you-- I have gained ten pounds since I last logged onto this website in January. It really is that easy to gain weight when you don't focus on what you fuel your body with, are less physically active, and eat "like everyone else". Because, lets face it, some of us cannot eat like our signifigant others. We need structure and physical activity to ward off those unnecessary pounds and keep our love handles and muffin tops from coming back to haunt us! So, to keep myself accoutable, each Friday I will be posting my weight and hours worked out here! Anyone who wants to support me or be my fitness motivator, please message me! i am going away to live on my own in a few months and I want to be back on track before I live on my own :D
Thanks for reading!


  • dazzo62
    dazzo62 Posts: 78
    If all of these pictures are your bum you are in pretty amazing shape!!!
  • BikiniReady622
    HA! No, they aren't my butt. I wish :D I am actually 118 pounds... of mostly fat instead of muscle. It is my goal to get down to 110 and be muscular. And I would simply love a butt like that.....
  • dazzo62
    dazzo62 Posts: 78
    I don't know how tall you are but 118lbs is pretty light to me!
  • BikiniReady622
    5'2'' is my height. I would ideally like to be down to 105 with lean muscle. I am putting a 6 month time frame on the weight loss/muscle gain.