Lets do this

jjhintz Posts: 17 Member
Cliffs/highlights of my life (fitness wise) before joining this site:
-Fat all throughout childhood
-Got ripped in highschool after losing long-term GF. Learned everything from bb.com forums. Currently over 5k posts there.
-Deadlifted 405 my freshmen year of college. Strong gains were made.
-Fractured skull same year snowboarding. Lost all gains. Probably should be dead.
- Went back to school and lifted intermittently. Lost weight again and gained some muscle. ~200/295/405 bench/squat/deadlift.
-Herniated disk. Gains = gone.
-Depression set in. Weight gain, etc..
-1.5 years of no exercise....until...

As of two weeks ago:
-Ended it with GF of 4 years
-Quit all antidepressants
-Started lifting again.
-Feel like a boss and progressing every day.

My goals for end of summer: 225 bench. Squatting and dead lifting put on hold because of back.
Plan: Lean gains IF: http://www.leangains.com. Mark is a genius. My brother has been doing this for years and is extremely fit/shredded/healthy. It's not a fade diet. It's a lifestyle. That's the only way to go.
Workout: Still tweaking because trying to incorporate heavy lifting while seeing doctors to help my back... However, If you do not have back problems you should be doing squats/deadlifts. I would do anything to be able to do these lifts again. The best routine I've ever done was this: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/irontamer5.htm. Note: Correct form is the most important thing you can have.

And I'm 23.
That's all I got for now.

Good luck on your progress and I hope to help motivate in any way I can. Good luck.



  • jjhintz
    jjhintz Posts: 17 Member
    6 1/2 months after posting this:

    Down 20lbs
    Reached 225 bench goal and then exceeded it. Stood @ 225x6x3 while @ 205lbs before cutting.
    Running quite a bit these days - trail running is beautiful in CT this time of year. Ran 6 miles without a problem a few days ago.
    Body composition has changed dramatically. I documented my before picture and will put it together with my current. It's "wow" worthy.

    Also will be a certified personal trainer in 2 weeks as well as currently acing every single class this semester.

    Needless to say exercising and nutrition has changed my life. Good luck to everyone and thank you to myfitnesspal for keeping me on track nutrition wise. I've logged every day since I started and i've far surpassed my goals.