Stay-at-home mom!



  • beyondjupiter
    beyondjupiter Posts: 247 Member
    I am technically a stay at home Mom. I go to school online and work part time online. I am 28 and have a 3 year old boy and a 7 year old girl. I have about 115 lbs to lose.

    Feel free to add me! I'll send you a request.

  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    I was a SAHM for the first 3 years of my sons life, and it was so hard to stay motivated. After my boy was born in 2003 I had lost 21lbs. got down to 180, that was 20lbs. away from my goal weight. Then I tried to keep up with breast feeding, and everything baby needs :smile: I pushed myself to the sideline. It took me until just recently, to realize how poor of a decision that was! I should have thought about me too! Since his birth I put on 58lbs. I think, of all things I could have done easier with him and for him without that weight. I think about all the energy I did not have. I think about how important it is for him to see my good habits, and not my bad ones. Especially now, because we found out he has high cholesterol at 9 years old! Our habits influence our children! Stay motivated for yourself, and them! I am 10lbs. away from what I weighed when I found out I was pregnant. It is also my "half way there mark", and it is super motivating for me! I know now that dieting is not the answer, it is a lifestyle that I will keep for me, my son, and my husband for the rest of our life. In fact Dalton runs at the gym with us. We jump rope together. We try to involve him in our eating, and exercise habits (I wish I had thought this way 9 years ago!) I had heard once.... "Why do we allow our children to eat fast food, and drink soda? We would never give them alcohol, and cigarettes! It is the same thing! It will kill them, and yet we feel guilty for denying these things." We have adopted an 80/20 philosophy, it allows us to have room for splurges (we are human), but sets a strong base for our family to stay healthy. I thought I was healthy before we did not go to get fast food often (maybe twice a month) we did not drink soda (since 2009), and we were active (just not enough). I want to know I am sending my family out into the world with a healthy view.... food is not a crutch or a way to sort out emotions, and exercise is part of daily life to maintain good health and stamina!