Stretch Marks?

So.. I have a problem with stretch marks on my abdomen from being the size that I am. Is there any way that one can get rid of these pesky things.. Do they shrink with weight loss?


  • thirstyflea
    thirstyflea Posts: 114 Member
    Bump. would love to know this as well!
  • emilybaun
    emilybaun Posts: 52
    I've heard coconut butter and jojoba oil!
  • I have reeeaaaally bad stretch marks and i've just started using Bio-Oil and they're fading quite quick. Don't know if it lasts though :)
  • backpacker44
    backpacker44 Posts: 160 Member
    There's no way to get rid of them, but you can fade them. I've tried a few things and what I have found works best is ItWorks wraps.. I know I know.. An MLM scam right? Not really. I was a huge skeptic but tried one anyways. I lost an inch but also, stretch marks were faded.. I don't sell the stuff, but recently have tried 2 more wraps, lost 2 more inches and my stretchmarks are almost gone. You can get a bottle of their defining gel that is cheaper than the wraps and is mostly used for fading stectch marks and scars. I love it.

    You can also try bio oil, which I didn't find to work all that great but I know people that swear by it. I think it's mostly for pregnant women trying to avoid stretch marks, not fade the ones they already have.
  • Glampinupdoll
    Glampinupdoll Posts: 234 Member
    I have heard bio oil as well!! They sell it at Costco for cheap. Read the amazon reviews on it :)
  • alicecorsiatto
    alicecorsiatto Posts: 35 Member
    Sorry to say but after losing 45 pounds mine have become much more noticeable, as they are no longer stretched out but angry horrible looking scars. As i get more toned they have become less horrible looking but they are still there. I started using Maderma stretch mark cream and after 5 weeks i do notice a slight difference. It says proven results in 12.. so we will see about that. I know they will always be there, but hopefully i can help them fade a bit.
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    yea i got these on my chest arms and pits not a fan!
  • claire671
    claire671 Posts: 93 Member
    Unfortunately, stretch marks are permanent. There is no way to completely get rid of them. However, over time they will fade to a light silvery colour. Keeping your skin moisturised with any moisturiser will help, yes you can buy bio oil etc etc but I hate the feeling of oil on my skin so opt for a stretch mark cream just to help them fade that little bit quicker and hopefully promote the elasticity in my skin to help things 'ping back' as much as possible. Sadly though they will be there forever. I developed so many of them during pregnancy, my stomach and thighs are completely covered.
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    They will fade over time. I use Palmer's to help a bit.. they're never going to go away for good, but they'll fade enough that most people won't notice them.. unless they're literally on top of you. (And if you're in a situation where you're that close to a person... the person should love you enough to not give a darn about them :])
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    I gained 60 lbs with my oldest boy and had BRIGHT RED angry looking stretchmarks from hip to hip. I used cocoa butter several times a day during my entire pregnancy and it did nothing to prevent them. I continued to use it after he was born and it did nothing to fade them. I will say, however, that over time they did fade. And I mean LOTS of time. It probably took around 4 years, but now they are just white and deep. I heard about the Bellabaci cups on the forum here and have been using them on my thighs for cellulite (I'm getting AMAZING results!!!) and I decided to use them on my tummy and upper arms as well for the stretch marks. I haven't had the cups that long, but I can tell a bit of a difference in the depth. The truth is, there's no magical cure. It takes lots of time for them to fade, but they will never go away unless you have surgery to remove the skin. I have heard amazing things about the ItWorks! body wraps, but I have not yet given those a try. I do think that, with these Bellabaci cups and TONS of strength training, I will be willing to show my belly off again one day. I'm getting pretty close to my goal and my tummy is flatter than I ever thought possible. Sorry this didn't help much, I don't think anyone is going to have answers here.

    *edited for a typo that was driving me crazy*
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Retin-a actually will get rid of them. But you have to talk a doctor into giving you a prescription and insurance may not cover it. However its pretty cheap. Mine from pregnancy are completely gone.

    Note**mine were also dark and my skin was RAW while using this retin-a.