Little To No Will Power

Hi- I just registered. I am 50 lbs away from my goal weight. If I get to my goal size and not the weight- that would be fine with me. I am currently a size 12 and would like to be a 7-8 again.
I have started diets and weight loss plans but never had will to actually try anything long enough to see results. I am a little depressed that the banana I thought was a healthy choice took up 12 grams of sugar on the food log!! That discourages me big time! Do you obsess over the sugar/protien/carbs right away or do you just focus on the goal workout/calorie intake to start?

I am 33 yrs old- so I have a combination of weight gained from having 4 kids, and never adjusting my eating habits with my metabolism change.

One reason that i want to lose weight is because I want to have the power to choose what I wear rather than picking things that "make me look better". I want to look good in anything that I want to wear. Is that vein? Maybe it is- but I don't think it's bad to be vein. Accountability & Will power play a huge role for me. I don't want to feel like i am going without.. I would like to feel like I am just choosing differently. (I don't know how to change my mindset about it)


  • pennie63
    pennie63 Posts: 10
    Hi, Welcome. I just joined again not long ago and also need to lose 50 pounds! Maybe we can help motivate each other.

  • scottyg70
    scottyg70 Posts: 388 Member
    Welcome to both of you! Glad to have you on MFP!

    The will power can only come from you! It takes effort and it's not easy. You're talking about changing your lifestyle, making better choices and getting in a routine of exercise. Something that will (hopefully) continue the rest of your life.

    However, there is a whole community here who can provide you with the encouragment! 50 pounds sounds like a lot, but you can do it. Changing your diet and increaseing your activity compounded with the encouragement and advice you'll find here and that 50 lbs will be gone in no time!

    Both of you feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • Fierymischief
    Fierymischief Posts: 2 Member
    I think I am going to be very simplistic (and probably annoying) and say - just choose to....sounds easy doesn't it..... :)

    I do find sometimes that the more I tell myself something, the more I believe it - as humans we are really good at believing the bad things - why shouldn't we try to do it for something that is useful for a change!! :)

    Find a phrase that suits, repeat it over and over - try not to do it out loud - people may think you've lost the plot ;)

    What is the harm in trying it... :) Good luck...
  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    I used to be a business/life coach so I know all too well about positive self talk/ changing your limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs. It certainly can be done with some mental exercises to change mindset. Some beliefs we have are more engrained in our mind than others- so they take longer to change but nonetheless change is always possible.