introducing myself!

Hi :)
Been part of MFP for a week, liking it.
My weight gain is due to medication and I'm aiming for it to be completely gone by September.
Vegetarian by choice (partly left over from eating disorder, but mostly i hate the texture). I hate exercising. Burlesque dance, sure, but everything else is invited to bite me.
Need to find a body fat calculator that understands the hourglass figure (as in 15" difference or more between waist and hip, and waist and breast) and doesn't naturally assume my curves are "fat". Seriously, and I mean this with no intent to offend, when did hips become classified as "widest part around bottom"? A big butt is not the same as broad hips.
I gained my weight all over, evenly, so my body shape is the same just bigger and I don't use a scale- only a tape measure.
Don't really know what else to say, so on that note-

Foamy be with you.