i have some questions about alcohol.



  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,079 Member
    18 is legal age to drink alcohol in Australia too.

    I dont think drinking alcohol in sensible moderate amounts is a problem - I also dont think one or two drinks affects your decision making enough to make bad food decisions lol :laugh:

    If you like beer and dont want to change to other alcoholic drinks, then Low carb beer would be better than full carb beer for weight loss purposes.
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Legal drinking age in New Zealand is 18.

    When I go out for drinks the amount I drink and what I drink would never fit into my macros, but to limit it I tend to go for a hard cardio session the day of when Im going out.

    Its all about the eating as well, do you eat well the day after a night out? It all adds up.
  • Tim_Moritz
    Tim_Moritz Posts: 4 Member
    This has been an interesting thread.. I'm not sure which way I lean on the topic.. I started dieting in January 2013, but up until I started wearing the bodymedia and tracking my food/drink with MFP, I could easily quaff a case of coors light on a Saturday. Since January, I've lost almost 40lbs. I even noticed on one of the nights I was drinking and cleaning my garage that I had burned over 4000 calories for the day and had logged some 14000 steps. BUT, the scale didn't like me for about 2-3 days afterwords.

    I don't tend to drink on the week days just because I travel alot and I need every brain cell typically to get my job done..

    I guess the point is that you can still binge drink (if you want to) and still lose weight. I'm 40 and I did it.. I've since switched over to expensive bourbon and water because it has no carbs and you get better bang for the buck, but that's besides the point. At some point the bad habits will give way to the good habits, but it will be a slow process.

    I guess to the OP, I would say that what you're drinking isn't going to kill you or set you back significantly. The take away is a couple of folds-- moderation is key, track what you drink and keep within your macros, and if in doubt, pick up a 10lb dumbell instead of a 1lb beer. Everyone's journey is different. Find out what works for you and do that.