Scared to go to the gym :(



  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    Nobody at my gym cares how big you are or how unfit you might be. At least you're there making an effort to improve your situation, and I think everyone at the gym gets that you have to start somewhere. I fully applaud people for getting up and doing exercise! Nobody expects you to be running 10 mph on the treadmill or lifting your body weight doing deadlifts. Nothing to be embarrassed about :)
  • kaylacollinscna
    kaylacollinscna Posts: 102 Member
    I started going to the gym again last month at 240 lbs. I had over 100 lbs to lose. I had to start slow due to all of this excess weight and how out of shape I am. Sure I felt self conscious, but only a month in I've lost almost 15 lbs and I'm getting faster and stronger already. As many have said everyone starts somewhere. I've had people see how hard I've worked out some days and they said I inspired them to work a little harder too. I've never had anyone say anything mean/negative since I've started going. I've found many people at the gym are pretty nice and understanding, and people of all shapes and sizes are always welcomed.
    This week I attempted an actual class. Everyone in the room was smaller than me and I couldn't do half of what they were doing. The instructor just kept reminding the class that if something is too much to walk in place or do a less difficult form of the workout but try not to stop! I didn't feel judged when I had to keep doing regular crunches when everyone was doing bicycles, but let me tell you that class was quite a challenge! I got a much better workout than if I had just did the weight machines. Don't feel intimidated by classes. :)
  • bluebirdlx
    I agree with everyone else who said that you're at gym working toward improving yourself and that's all that matters. Also, what someone thinks of you is their business and you shouldn't concern yourself with it. Most people aren't thinking negative thoughts (as you can see from the responses here) and if they are who cares as long as they keep it to themselves. I'd rather be the fat girl at the gym now than the fat girl in life forever.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    still afraid look at this and nothing will scare you ever again!!!

  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Go to the gym!

    I was a really athletic gym goer for many years, and have also been at the point where I felt I was "too fat" and out of shape for the gym. It kept me away from the gym for YEARS. Not good at all, and totally ridiculous! The gym is exactly where I should have been, right? Yeah.

    When I finally got the courage to get back in there and not worry about what people might be thinking, it was fine! I figured out pretty quickly that nobody except me cared that I was fat and at the gym, even when I was the fattest person in there, which I was a lot of the time.

    I didn't hide out in the cardio machine ghetto, either. I jumped right into the free weights section and lifted from the first day I had that gym membership. The world didn't stop, nobody made rude remarks to me, and I did great! I always wear my headphones with my favourite tunes nice and loud, have my workout written down in my little notebook, and I'm good to go. I don't need to pay attention to anyone or anything but myself and what I'm doing. It's really nice!

    Just go, have fun!
  • cannette0309
    I was worried about the same thing, even though I was only 40lb over my goal weight and I have been bigger before. I soon discovered 2 types of people so far at the gym....

    First the 90% who are so engrossed in their own workout they barely notice there are other people there let alone how they look.

    Second the 10% of men and women who are distracted by the beautiful size 8 wearing a sports bra and skimpy shorts, or the toned guy who insists on lifting weights with his shirt off!

    I've never seen anyone looking or commenting on people who are overweight, if anything I've seen complete strangers helping newbies out at the gym to get the best out of their workout.

    At the end of the day you may go one day and be surrounded by a group of very fit, slim people. But not everyone is born that way! Any one of them may have started in the same place you're at.