What to do after a strict low-calorie diet?

Any advice on steps to be taken after having been on a controlled diet with rather low net calorie intakes (around 1200)?

Say, after a month/two months of calorie-cutting, the max number of calories to maintain my weight is now 1900 (given lifestyle etc)
Would going onto 1900 calories straight away lead to some weight gain; should it be done gradually?

Any advice would be much appreciated!


  • krrs1980
    krrs1980 Posts: 90 Member
    I'm not sure what should be done, to be honest. I've reached my goal and I'm slowly adding back in the calories. That's just me though. I'm not sure if that's necessary or not. I just don't want to take any chances.
  • 21Blondie
    21Blondie Posts: 10
    I'm not sure what should be done, to be honest. I've reached my goal and I'm slowly adding back in the calories. That's just me though. I'm not sure if that's necessary or not. I just don't want to take any chances.

    Let me know how it goes! You can be the guinea pig :)