Is it ok to be under my calorie goal (1,200) on some days?

Is it ok to be under my calorie goal (1,200) on some days to make up for days when I go over it by a large amount?
Basically on some weekends I drink alcohol and eat junk food, I don't log these days but I can imagine that the calories are probably 2,000-3,000 on those days. I'm just wondering if it's ok if in the days following these cheat days I eat under my goal of 1,200 calories? For example I had a bit of a cheat weekend last weekend and this week my calories have ranged from 800-1,175. Is this ok?


  • If you're losing, yes. If you're not, no.
  • jansiemoo
    jansiemoo Posts: 5 Member
    If you're losing, yes. If you're not, no.
    Due to my profession, my hours are erratic.
    I commonly eat 30-50% below my goal one day and over by 30% the next.
    But! My overall weekly goal is met or below, resulting in a net loss for the week.
    This is working very well for me, and I see it as similar to not weighing yourself everyday and fretting over
    one half pound lost/gained from day to day.
    Big picture, lifetime changes. :)
  • lindsayk324
    lindsayk324 Posts: 54 Member
    This actually a recognized form of caloric restriction called "calorie cycling" by laymen and "alternate-day fasting (ADF)" by nutritionists. Legitimate peer-reviewed scientific journals have published studies on ADF. This is a good summary of findings using animal and human subjects:

    One study ( confirms body weight and body fat loss in their study on the effects of ADF on life-span. Following an ADF (or intermittent fasting) regime may work for some people better than strict same-calories-every-day restriction, and you'll get the same benefits as long as your weekly average turns out "correct".

    That said, my personal (unpublished :p) opinion is that 800 is a little too low. Also, make sure that those low days are as packed full of nutritional quality as possible! One big factor with ADF -- and all diets, really -- is that, to do it right, you've got to be mindful of not just the quantity of calories but the quality of them, as well.

    TL;DR - what you're doing is called calorie cycling or alternate-day fasting (ADF) and it's a scientifically recognized way to lose fat, but keep making sure you stay properly nourished in terms of food diversity, weekly macro breakdowns, and vitamin/minerals!
  • Thanks so much!
  • snowmanluv
    snowmanluv Posts: 200 Member
    Probably as long as not too low. Save up a few for the weekend days or special events.
  • I have the same calorie goal and am under on some days. I'm also over on some days too! I think it evens out. I'm loosing, but not at an alarming rate, just a slow, steady, HEALTHY one :)

    If that souds like you, I doubt there's reason to worry ;)