
I'm a student and I'm currently in the middle of exam season. I have yet to have an exam but I am already crumbling under the pressure and my lifestyle has turned topsy turvy. I have barely had time to get out of the house in the last four months, let alone to do some exercise or go to the gym and whenever I do go to the gym or do some exercise I feel bad for not spending that time on the work that needs to be done for school.
My diet has also gone completely awol and I just grab any foods that I know will get me through the day and because of the lack of sleep I get (because I'm staying up late writing essays) I end up making bad choices in food and drink and turning to caffeine because it's quicker and I know it's wrong and it may sound like I'm making excuses but I'm genuinely not.
How do you all cope with stress ?
and how do you maintain your healthy lifestyle when everything's crumbling around you and you're just about keeping your head above water?


  • addmorecloud
    addmorecloud Posts: 78 Member
    I gained weight in the first place due to similar reasons. Still trying to figure out how to be slim with a stressful, time consuming job!
    Can you get groceries delivered where you are? That way you can have healthy food and snacks on hand without having to go shopping. Also try a short exercise regime like Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred or Ripped in 30. They only take 20 mins and as you can do them from home there's no time wasted going to and from the gym. Try not to feel guilty about it, you need to take brain rests from studying to help you remember things and to give you a fresh eye for proofreading essays. Your health is really important, so make that time for yourself every day. 20 mins is less time than I waste on Facebook every day.
    Good luck!
  • Crystaleyed
    Crystaleyed Posts: 229 Member
    I gained weight in the first place due to similar reasons. Still trying to figure out how to be slim with a stressful, time consuming job!
    Can you get groceries delivered where you are? That way you can have healthy food and snacks on hand without having to go shopping. Also try a short exercise regime like Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred or Ripped in 30. They only take 20 mins and as you can do them from home there's no time wasted going to and from the gym. Try not to feel guilty about it, you need to take brain rests from studying to help you remember things and to give you a fresh eye for proofreading essays. Your health is really important, so make that time for yourself every day. 20 mins is less time than I waste on Facebook every day.
    Good luck!

    At the moment I am still living with my mum and dad and my mum is firmly against online grocery shopping (she's convinced that they're going to send her all the food that's hours from going off if she doesn't pick it herself) so that really is an unavoidable trip and I will give the exercise stuff ago, I don't know what's out there, I have tried a few ten minute solutions but the thing with DVD's is that even the basic ones tend to be difficult for me and I just get frustrated that I can't do them and give up because I get so angry about it. If there are any good suggestions I would be willing to try them out :) Thank you for your advice
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Ya know, sometimes you just have to take 5. Period. Take 5 and breath. Just close your eyes and feel your breath. Take 5 and stretch. Take 5 and do some shadow boxing. Take 5 and walk out for fresh air. Really, just 5 minutes every hour is just fine. It will also increase your productivity, and help you freshen up your focus. You will feel more mentally energized and relaxed. Just give it a shot.
  • lintino
    lintino Posts: 526 Member
    "At the moment I am still living with my mum and dad and my mum is firmly against online grocery shopping (she's convinced that they're going to send her all the food that's hours from going off if she doesn't pick it herself) so that really is an unavoidable trip and I will give the exercise stuff ago, I don't know what's out there, I have tried a few ten minute solutions but the thing with DVD's is that even the basic ones tend to be difficult for me and I just get frustrated that I can't do them and give up because I get so angry about it. If there are any good suggestions I would be willing to try them out :) Thank you for your advice"

    Just a comment about being frustrated with a work out routine. Give yourself time to learn it. Maybe just watch it a time or two first. If you mess up while you are doing it who cares. No one is watching but yourself. Laugh at yourself (helps with stress). You weren't able to walk the first time you stood up. I'm rooting for you to find a way to beat the stress because it can sure mess with your health if you can't get a handle on it.
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,764 Member
    For me, the best way to tackle stress is to go for a run! Gives me time to think (you can 'write' that essay in your head) and helps me sleep better so I wake more rested. Try it, it's only 20-30 minutes out of your day and you'll feel so much better for it.
  • I work a full-time night shift at a state agency job in Texas. I'm sitting at my computer 5 nights per week: Tuesday-Saturday (7pm-3:30AM)
    My job exposes me to Child & Elder Abuse nightly, and makes me angry sometimes
    I have joined Weight Watchers for Men back in March, and I know I binge due to stress/emotional state
    I have struggled with weight loss since I was 12yo, and my father CONSTANTLY rides me about my weight/appearance (I'm tired of his critcism and put downs)
    Any good advice to dump stress which causes me to be in the weight loss yo-yo cycle?