Dont like attention?



  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    I'm like that too. I was picked on a lot growing up, so now when someone gives me a compliment I feel like they're really making fun of me somehow. Ugly duckling syndrome, lol. I'm working on taking compliments better, but it's hard! Just smile and say thank you :smile:
  • FearlessRobb
    FearlessRobb Posts: 249 Member
    I'm like that too. I was picked on a lot growing up, so now when someone gives me a compliment I feel like they're really making fun of me somehow. Ugly duckling syndrome, lol. I'm working on taking compliments better, but it's hard! Just smile and say thank you :smile:

    i freaked out on a couple co workers the other day. every time i see these two girls they always say buy new cloths u need them and they go on and on sometimes 4 times a day i hear it over and over. i snapped and yelled at them and said stop im sick of hearing it. you said it once i heard you i dont need to hear it 10 times a day everyday and i dont know what else i said but they stopped lmao
  • eringrace10
    eringrace10 Posts: 135 Member
    Have you considered, that you not just complimenting you weight loss but that you maybe have changed as well, ie you seem more confident,happier in yourself
    Btw: awesome weightless be proud of yourself you've worked really hard and deserve it. You've achieved something that so many people spend their whole lives trying to get and never achieve. :)
  • Izzwoz
    Izzwoz Posts: 348 Member

    but hearing it a lot makes me think i looked really different before

    ^^ Fixed that for ya

    :flowerforyou: I like you!
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
  • Izzwoz
    Izzwoz Posts: 348 Member
    I'm like that too. I was picked on a lot growing up, so now when someone gives me a compliment I feel like they're really making fun of me somehow. Ugly duckling syndrome, lol. I'm working on taking compliments better, but it's hard! Just smile and say thank you :smile:

    i freaked out on a couple co workers the other day. every time i see these two girls they always say buy new cloths u need them and they go on and on sometimes 4 times a day i hear it over and over. i snapped and yelled at them and said stop im sick of hearing it. you said it once i heard you i dont need to hear it 10 times a day everyday and i dont know what else i said but they stopped lmao

    I know what you mean, when people comment on my weight loss, I feel embarrassed. I am not entirely sure why, maybe because I am dreading the question "so how much have you lost" as that would mean I would have to admit how much I used to weigh. And there are people who just go on and on about it, even tho I change the subject when it makes me uncomfortable. I think I am more confident, and definitely happier in my body, but it is kind of a very personal thing that I don't need to talk about with other people. Probably a bit silly, but can't help how I feel ... Thing is: people will get used to the new you and will stop commenting, so just ride it out and feel proud of what you achieved!!
  • Izzwoz
    Izzwoz Posts: 348 Member
    Oh, and btw: you achieved a lot, just saw your profile pics - you look awesome!!! ;-)
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I can understand where you're coming from. I don't really like extra attention either. Part of me really enjoys the compliments, but when people are regularly commenting, it can feel really awkward. Of course it's even more complicated when you're not 100% happy with how you look yet either.

    I would enjoy compliments for what they are. Try not to second guess what people really mean. They're not saying you looked "terrible" before, it's just that people get used to you at a certain size, and 115 lbs is a lot to lose. Of course there will be a big difference.

    With time, you will get used to how you look, especially as you reach your goal and maintain for a while. It takes some time for your brain to catch up with your body.

    Other people will get used to you too, and the comments will become less as people get used to the smaller you. Eventually people will forget how big you were. At the moment, it's a novelty. You must look very different, so people can't help pointing it out. I'm finding it quite weird at the moment as I've met some new people in the last few months who never knew me big, and that's hard to get my head around.

    Truth is, losing a significant amount of weight can really mess with your head. Time helps though. :flowerforyou:
  • FearlessRobb
    FearlessRobb Posts: 249 Member
    I'm like that too. I was picked on a lot growing up, so now when someone gives me a compliment I feel like they're really making fun of me somehow. Ugly duckling syndrome, lol. I'm working on taking compliments better, but it's hard! Just smile and say thank you :smile:

    i freaked out on a couple co workers the other day. every time i see these two girls they always say buy new cloths u need them and they go on and on sometimes 4 times a day i hear it over and over. i snapped and yelled at them and said stop im sick of hearing it. you said it once i heard you i dont need to hear it 10 times a day everyday and i dont know what else i said but they stopped lmao

    I know what you mean, when people comment on my weight loss, I feel embarrassed. I am not entirely sure why, maybe because I am dreading the question "so how much have you lost" as that would mean I would have to admit how much I used to weigh. And there are people who just go on and on about it, even tho I change the subject when it makes me uncomfortable. I think I am more confident, and definitely happier in my body, but it is kind of a very personal thing that I don't need to talk about with other people. Probably a bit silly, but can't help how I feel ... Thing is: people will get used to the new you and will stop commenting, so just ride it out and feel proud of what you achieved!!

    Thats what i mean. if someone goes your looking good. Thank you. Thats all
    Its the people thats make a giant deal out of it and announce it to the world and ask questions like how much did you weigh. how much weight did you loose. How much did you weigh now?

    Then i get people that start telling me there storys of trying to loose weight and it doesnt work and that im lucky. (while there eating a donut mind you)
    I also get its because your a guy its easier. i honestly see more girls on thi site that have lost weight than guys. Its not cause of gender but its what you choose to eat and do for exercise.
    People talk about exercise all the time and still shoving there facefull of pizza and chinese almost everyday and then complain there not loosing weight. lol
    anyways my rant is done
  • confetti_blind
    confetti_blind Posts: 91 Member
    I completely hate people mentioning my weight loss. I feel embarrassed because they must have thought I was enormous before. I don't understand why I hate it so much... I should feel proud of my weight loss. But today it just makes me feel ashamed.

    A work colleague who had been off on maternity for a while saw me today and said "You look like a completely different person, I wouldn't even recognise you". I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Well, if someone had brown hair and dyed it blonde, people would be like "Wow! Your hair is really blonde! You look great!" It doesn't mean they thought you looked bad when your hair was brown.

    Edit: Fixed typo.
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    I don't like it when it gets to the ... if you lose any more weight, you will disappear...

    other than that.. yeah, I know... I'm hot
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    I hate it when people notice me for that. Not because I'm funny, work hard or have nice hair but because I'm fat, or I was fatter.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    It's normal to be uncomfortable with attention when probably most of the attention you've had in the past was negative. Not because you looked horrible, but because people can be insensitive and mean. It's hard to trust positive attention at first. Try being open to it and simply saying thank you when you're paid a compliment. Don't try to read any more into it than it being a simple compliment. Again, people are insenstive and don't realize that sometimes even a compliment makes people uncomfortable or implies that you didn't look good before. If you just stay open and receive the compliments graciously, eventually you'll become more comfortable with the attention.

    I have no idea what you looked like before but I think you look good in your profile pic. You have a nice smile.
  • confetti_blind
    confetti_blind Posts: 91 Member
    Well, if someone had brown hair and dyed it blonde, people would be like "Wow! Your hair is really blonde! You look great!" It doesn't mean they thought you looked bad when your hair was brown.

    Edit: Fixed typo.

    Thank you, that's a really good way of looking at it. I am going to remind myself of this next time I get all embarrassed and upset when someone is actually only trying to be nice!
  • marygee1951
    marygee1951 Posts: 148 Member
    Robb - you've done a great job losing weight - congratulations on your success. People will get used to your new look. There will be awkward times, but be proud of yourself. Many people try to lose weight and are unsuccessful, and they don't like themselves for that. You've accomplished what they haven't been able to, so there's some hidden resentment there. Be proud of yourself - like Marines are proud of their accomplishments.

    I looked at the pictures on your profile. You were a good looking guy before - a "teddy-bear" good looking. Now you're a hot dude. I imagine the ladies are treating you differently now. Before, you were "safe" - someone they could talk to as a friend. Now you're "a hot dude" - more "boyfriend material" if you know what I mean. It's going to take some time to adjust. But enjoy the new you - now you can take off your shirt at the beach! :flowerforyou: