Finding Spirituality through Fitness

Ok, I am not sure if this is the right place to post this and I hope it isnt against any guidelines, but I dont think it would be. I have done google searches and MFP searches but havent really found what I am looking for.

I have always struggled with accepting any mainstream ideas of Faith and religion, instead I have pretty much jumbled a lot of ideas together and never truly felt like I could figure things out. This week, a combination of things has occured that has really got me in a new place spiritually, to where I am finally starting to feel ok about things. Alot of that has come with running a lot more miles than I normally do in a week, and dedicating them to the victims of the Boston Marathon. This has led me to do more THINKING while I am working out, instead of just selfishly visualizing my future better-looking self.

I guess what I am saying is, my fitness path has awakened my spiritual path and I finally understand, it is OK to NOT know everything, noone really does. This revelation, and thinking about our world as it stands now, has really pushed me through my last few runs, and I have literally cried after each one of them (a happy cry) which sounds silly but I am so happy for myself that I wanted to share.

I really do feel like most of us underestimate ourselves in every aspect of our lives. For me, this spiritual realization (I dont want to say religious, because it really is not) has helped me realize this, and helped me to push harder than I ever have. Many people keep telling me my goals are for vanity reasons, and that I have no real need to push myself so hard when I work out, that I am fine the way I am etc etc. That may be true but for me, I want to be the best I can be- I know that what I want for my future involves helping others reach their goals in some way, and I want to be proof of what is possible. The connection I have made this week has just further fueled my ambition to get to where I want to be, see this through and find a way to help others who are on this path with me.

OK, thanks for reading... even if noone does, I had to get this out there :heart: I hope this made sense. Have any of you experienced spiritual awakenings through fitness?


  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    Also, other changes that starting this journey has helped you make.. Being more responsible, organized, etc...
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    There are a lot of people who will try to categorize you to let you know why you are right or wrong in your beiliefs, but really spiritualism should be a personal experience, even in Mega churches with all the strucuture. And how you connect is entirely up to you. Just like what you find satisfying for a workout will be different than others.

    I completely think that part of being helahty *IS* the connection of our body and our spirit. And it is centralized in our minds with how we think and act upon it. I think the most fullfilling part of it is helping others and being motivational. So I concur there.

  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Also, other changes that starting this journey has helped you make.. Being more responsible, organized, etc...

    This year I am working on patience and understanding. In this fast paced world, we let our bodies go for 5, 10, 15 + years and immediately expect to get "back in shape" in months....or less. I started my journey last year and I went from almost 220 down to 190 in just a matter of months, but soon learned there were physical and emotional drains that followed. It HAD to be about patience and taking my time to adjust mu life slowly and consistently. This flows into how I interact with my wife, my kids, and at work as well.

    For understanding, I think we blame others for things that we propegate and enable. So though I have always been consicous of taking responsibility for m actions anc choices, I am making a very deep and concerted effort to make that a core of my principles. Again, that flows into my healthy lifestyle by being accountable for my time and making sure I eat right and don't slack off. I bring it to every day life by working hard to help my boys to be repsonsible for themselves as well.
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    Also, other changes that starting this journey has helped you make.. Being more responsible, organized, etc...

    This year I am working on patience and understanding. In this fast paced world, we let our bodies go for 5, 10, 15 + years and immediately expect to get "back in shape" in months....or less. I started my journey last year and I went from almost 220 down to 190 in just a matter of months, but soon learned there were physical and emotional drains that followed. It HAD to be about patience and taking my time to adjust mu life slowly and consistently. This flows into how I interact with my wife, my kids, and at work as well.

    For understanding, I think we blame others for things that we propegate and enable. So though I have always been consicous of taking responsibility for m actions anc choices, I am making a very deep and concerted effort to make that a core of my principles. Again, that flows into my healthy lifestyle by being accountable for my time and making sure I eat right and don't slack off. I bring it to every day life by working hard to help my boys to be repsonsible for themselves as well.

    Thank you for sharing this! For me also, the biggest change is in the way I interact/treat/speak to my family. I have a tendency to be overly aggresive and go from 0-60 pretty quickly, as that is how my mother always was (I dont blame her for that, she has her reasons.) Also, I agree with the patience part! especially
    but soon learned there were physical and emotional drains that followed. It HAD to be about patience and taking my time to adjust mu life slowly and consistently.

    I can relate to that so well! I wish I had more patience in the beginning. because I did not, I still have not really adjusted to my body's changes and honestly can barely remember the beginning of this journey. i wish I had documented and slowed down to learn more and figure things out in the beginning.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    There are things great and unknowable. Your post calls to mind religious flagellates, who achieve altered mental states through pain.