massive overeater

Hallzeehall Posts: 38 Member
Does anyone have this problem: I cannot seem to eat a normal portion of foods. I have been on mfp for 4 days and doing good but my issue is that every time I start to diet I do well for a few weeks then I fall off the wagon in a huge way...I will eat an entire package of cookies! Or a whole box of crackers (or both...), then give up completely and spend the next few months eating everything in sight and can't control myself. Should I seek some sort of help for this, I am also a closet eater and nobody actually witnesses my binging. Its embarrassing and I feel like I am alone in this and trying to change. Any thoughts???


  • GoneLbsGirl
    God knows I have been there and done that. But this time around, I am trying to not "diet" because I don't want to do anything that has the word "die" in it! Also, diet makes it sounds like that there will be an end. For me, I want to eat healthy, be able to move without my joints screaming at me, and be confident. So maybe changing the word of your New You Adventure will help.

    Also, if you have a bad moment, don't beat yourself up. If your friend was coming to you with this same question would you scold her relentlessly? HELL NO! You would be understanding and nurturing. Be your own friend. Say to yourself, “well that was gluttonous! What is going on with me internally?” You may be sad and trying to nurture yourself some way. If you were hungry, let the next food decision be a healthier option. One bad moment does not need to lead to a bad day, week, month or year. Trust me when I say, I know it's easier said than done but the results are a healthier and happier you. No box of cookies can make the same guarantee!

    Finally, you are not alone. You joined the MPF which is a great decision. Great decisions lead to more great decisions. You can do it!
  • chadraeder3
    chadraeder3 Posts: 279 Member
    I struggle with overeating too, a few ideas you might want to try is

    #1. When you get the craving remember that if you put your mind to it you can overcome any obstacle including the craving.

    #2 When you feel hungry first get a glass of water or 2 drink the water and then give yourself 20 minutes, sometimes you will notice that the hunger goes away because you were just thirsty.

    #3 Fiber, will fill you up with minimum calories use it. Go for fiber foods but you could even take fiber pills.

    #4 Have a friend who you can talk to. A few weeks ago I was having a terrible day and after talking to my friend I was able to get through the day and still stay within my limit.

    #5 Eat slower, when I find myself overeating I almost always am eating too fast. You can slow down by taking breaks while you are eating and/or every bite of food chew it 50 times and count the 50 chews. If you eat a meal faster then 20 minutes you are eating too fast, I have read that it can take 20 minutes for the signal that you are full 20 minutes to get to your brain.

    If you don't already have get a scale for weighing your food, you can use a postal scale or at the big box stores they have some in the kitchen gadget areas. (I would suggest finding the Good Eats/ Alton Brown video on buying a scale it is on the Food Networks website)

    I have some more but please try these and if you do overeat get back on the wagon ASAP. We all stumble but if you get back up quickly you will not be setback that much.
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    gonnamakeanewaccount Posts: 642 Member
    Sounds like the classic case of Binge Eating Disorder. Don't be ashamed of it. You can get help. :heart: