Need Friends with similar height and weight goals.


My name is Brie and I am 5'3 and 117 lbs. My goal weight is 105 lbs and I would like to lose about 5 lbs by June. I also want to tone my body and tighten my core. Sadly I am just now getting into working out. I am currently doing JM's 30 day Shred. It would be awesome to have some friends who are my height and weight and have similar goals. Do you guys think it's possible for me to lose 5 lbs by June?


  • Vielkay
    Vielkay Posts: 2
    I'm 5'3 and 129. I was 141 about 2.5 or 3 months ago. And my goal is 120. Depending on your body frame you are actually at the ideal body weight for our height. I highly recommend strength training for toning. I've been on p90x since the beginning of the month and i am already seeing some definition in my arms. Try stuff like this: for core workout. I hope this was somewhat helpful.
  • tartsul
    tartsul Posts: 298 Member
    i think that you're at a healthy weight now, for your height. i took a look at your food diary, and i don't think you're eating enough. you should increase your calories with more healthy choices, as you look like you are already trying to do (good job on making good choices)! i also highly recommend increasing your protein by a LOT. i think once you start working out (NOT JUST CARDIO!) and upping your calories, you will see good changes. don't get stuck on the number on the scale. look at how your body shape is changing, how your clothes fit, etc. you will see zillions of success stories on MFP who have learned to disregard the number on the scale and pay more attention to measurements and body shape.
    you're off to a good start thus far with eating good foods and wanting to get started with exercise. have fun with it!

    p.s. i grew up in the UP...
  • cdswicky
    cdswicky Posts: 43
    Hey -

    I'm also 5'3 and weigh in at 117. Everyone's body is different, but I would like you to pose one question to yourself: how much does the number on the scale really mean? Does it represent who you are? If you weigh 117 today and then you weigh 110 by June, does that make you a better person? Aren't you the same person in your soul either wa? So what does that stupid number on the scale really represent?

    I'm 40 years old and am just starting to wrap my mind around this concept, so please know that I'm NOT lecturing. I've recently started seeing a dietician and she's helping me understand my body better. There's much much more that goes into our body's composition than we can even comprehend. All we can do is honor our body and respect it by eating clean and fueling it with quality foods.
    I also agree with the last comment....even though it's hard to grasp, you probably need to eat more to be healthier. I've incorporated lots of quality protein from greek yogurt and healthy fats like avocado, nuts and olive oil. I do a light weight routine several times and week and on those days I eat about 80-90 gms of protein .In order to tone, you will need to do more weight bearing exercises. My recommendation is to do what you think is fun, so you continue doing it. Consistency is the main ingredient to staying healthy and not becoming to obsessed.
    I speak from experience, this diet/ nutrition thing can be fun and doesn't have to feel like a prison. Good luck and if you want you can friend me ...I'd like your support too. We're all works in progress right?
  • Yes I am not too much concerned about losing weight as much as I want to be healthy and toned. I never realized how few calories I eat until using the myfitnesspal app. After I eat I'm full and then not really sure what else I should eat.
  • Thank you!
  • How do I change my calorie goal? When I set up my profile on the app it automatically chose based on my goals.
  • 5'3 127 and i wanna be 110-115 :)
  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    I was going to answer but she deactivated her account?????

    -->How do I change my calorie goal? When I set up my profile on the app it automatically chose based on my goals.

    --- Go to goals, select Change then select CUSTOM. Or for Auto, go to Settings and select "Update diet fitness profile", increase activity level.
  • one of the smartest posts I've seen on here!
  • @Markguns I changed my account thinking maybe I did something wrong in the initial setup, but I see that they have a setting to change it. Thanks! Now how do I determine my calorie intake?
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    I am 5'3 and 113.4 (down from 134). 105 is very low for our height if you want a healthy, toned body. I can go down to 105 - I had before - but that would be a body with very little muscle. Like what others say, you are at a healthy weight, let's focus on seeing those muscles....

    happy to connect and help each other out.

    Also, remember to eat. You can go down to 105 or less wihtout eating..but you cannot do that for life!
  • Cherryripple
    Cherryripple Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, I've just found this site today - it looks good!

    I'm 5'3 as well and currently a size 12-14.

    Ideally, I'd like to be a size 10 again but more realistically I think if I can get to a 10-12 I'll be happy :smile:

    Feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    I am 5'3". Went from 134-ish (pregnancy + bad lifestyle!) to now 110. I would say it is stablized at 111-2.

    Since 2011, I have been very active - Pilates, TRX, HIIT (including JM that I like), etc. In my 20s and a bit in my early 30s, I was also a regular properly-trained weight lifter, so that regime is not new to me. What's new is that now I love the variety of exercises I do, I forgo stupid gym machines and single-muscle workouts, control my portions (big appetite!) e.g. Major achievement = really enjoy working out and see it as natural as brushing teeth twice a day.

    I am not sure where your goal weight (105) comes from, but it may be a bit low? Depends on your frame and age of course!

    One neat trick I use is that I did not set an ideal goal weight per se. My first mini goal was like 120....then when I passed that, quite easily when I got from eating lots + not moving to eating less + regular exercising...I readjusted the goal weight. I find that way less daunting than having this low low ideal on my chart ;)

    Good luck, you are already in the healthy range, so an excellent start!
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    I just realized I had replied to this ages ago!!! Probably the topic was bumped and got my attention, again :)