Learn maintenance.

IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Learn maintenance.

Maintenance is one of the more scary things for people who struggle with weight. Many people fear they will simply give up or become complacent. And of course, there is the fear of gaining all your weight back and more. The idea of maintaining your weight year after year can be daunting. It may even feel boring.

Are you afraid you'll fail at maintenance? Have courage. Maintenance is a skill you can learn. For example, you can weigh yourself once a week and if you are up a pound or two, follow your program religiously until the next time you weigh. If you are still up a bit, talk to your nutritionist and make minor adjustments to your diet, or exercise a bit more. Making little changes when necessary and keeping faith in yourself will help you sort out how to maintain.

Action for the day: If you have not reached a maintenance weight, spend some time thinking about and planning for maintenance. How will you handle it? If you are at your maintenance weight, evaluate how you are doing and make small adjustments as necessary.

© 2010, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery.


  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I was on the 2 pound a week plan for a long time. That's a 1000 cal a day deficit, and that was hard.

    When that quit working, somewhere around 15-16% bodyfat, I adjusted to 1 pound a week/500 a day deficit, and that's gone pretty well. I'm on that now, with small cheats and the occasional 'little over' day.

    So - as of today I'm 13% bodyfat and pretty close to goal. Strangely, I'm making decent fitness gains and getting leaner (I can now see a big vein in my temple, and I don't really like it) - but I'm not making much progress on weight. Right around 204 pounds for a long time now.

    Anyways, I guess "500 cal a day deficit w/small cheat" is gonna be my maintenance. It is what it is, and it's Ok. I'm used to it, I don't mind it. I'm good at telling myself "no" most of the time, indulging occasionally and just generally keeping on keeping on. It's Ok.
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    I have been thinking a lot about maintenance. Given that I've lost weight in the past and then regained (hence why I am here at MFP now), I really need to have a plan for maintaining once I reach a weight/body shape that I am comfortable with. One thing I know I will still need to be careful about is the sweets. I am currently doing really good about not eating all the sweets people bring into work, and I think that is something I can continue during maintenance. I also know I can't go back to a heavy fast food diet, and hit Chinese and Southern-style buffets for lunches. My checking account likes my at-home lunching much better anyway.

    Anyway, thanks for the post. Good idea to formulate plans. I came across this tweet yesterday by twitter.com/trenttsd:

    "Only one thing really determines success at anything in life: control over your thoughts and impulses."
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