pre-diabetic ?'s

LissaK1981 Posts: 219 Member
edited January 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I recently took a fasting glucose test. I am a little worried because I am right on the cusp of prediabetes. My level was 100 and I had fasted for 16 hours at the time I took the test. I am going to get a meter tomorrow to see what my levels are not fasting. When should I test? When I first wake up? After I eat? I would like to figure out if maybe I am just insulin resistant. I saw n article talking about drinking 75g of sugar and testing on the hour for several hours. That sounds like a ton of sugar (gag!) Has any one here successfully reversed this with diet and exercise? I would love any thoughts or help.


  • LissaK1981
    LissaK1981 Posts: 219 Member
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    An elevated blood sugar (along with cholesterol issues after I had quit taking Lipitor cold turkey due to leg cramps) is what prompted my doctor to send me to a dietician. She told me basically these things:
    1. Write down everything you eat.
    2. Keep your "carbs" to less than 15 a day. In her world, a "carb" is 15 grams of carbohydrates. So, I became good at reading labels, and kept my "carbs" to 15 a day or less most of the time (or 225 grams of carbohydrates).
    3. Eat breakfast. I had skipped it or eaten PopTarts for years. Now, I religiously eat a well-balanced breakfast every morning.
    4. Eat a light snack at night (to keep my blood sugar levels evened out). When I eat a snack, it is usually yogurt, some fruit, or a granola bar.

    In addition to this, I walk.....and walk.....and walk. I initially lost about 72 pounds, and have kept off 55+. I was probably too light at my lowest. My blood sugar is completely normal now, and my cholesterol is borderline.....but my doctor knows I WON'T go back on a cholesterol medication, so he has me taking fish-oil supplements in addition to the diet things I am doing.

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