Squat Challenge - DOes it work?



  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I did a squat challenge on another site during the month of December, but it wasn't limited to bodyweight squats. It was any sort of squat, weighted or unweighted. It was kind of fun, but honestly it was far too many squats on the higher rep days, and it was a fair bit less than the MFP squat challenge I've seen posted. There were also built in rest days with that challenge, which I don't think the MFP challenge has. I could be wrong, though.

    Did it work? Well, I didn't do the challenge with only bodyweight squats--I did barbell back squats and kettlebell goblet squats as well, and I did more weighted squats than bodyweight squats on most days. I'm sure it worked in the sense that I got better at doing squats and doing a whole bunch of them in one go (endurance). And I'm sure it was better for the overall appearance of my behind than sitting on it all month long....but it didn't dramatically change my body in any way.

    I worry about people doing these squat challenges who don't know how to squat properly and wind up hurting themselves, and like I said, I feel it's far too many squats, period, and not enough rest.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    Patience is more important. The difference cannot be noticed by you day by day.
    Some other people who see you weekly once or fortnight can see the difference.
    Bodyweight squats is better than Gym weight squats

    And you're basing that statement on what exactly?
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    As to the squat challenge. If you have no weights available then it's better than nothing. But IMHO you're better off doing 20 squats with a decent weight every few days, as opposed to 100 BW's+ every day
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Bodyweight squats is better than Gym weight squats
    Body weight squats kept my butt flat and my legs flabby.

    Weighted squats with progressive overload made my butt round and my legs firm.

    Your argument is invalid.

  • bestofmyself
    I did it and my bum is now more toned. I varied the squats by doing narrow ones and wide ones. I saw the visible results in my last week. Slow but works.
  • chandra2802
    chandra2802 Posts: 29 Member
    I am doing one now..Do i have a j-lo butt...no.. but i notice i am a bit more toned. and when doing other workouts my legs are much more stable. Which i am very happy with. I found a new one legs butt and guns challenge. Do i think i will comeout looking like a body builder.. No.. but i know afterwards there will be results. Like someone else said.. its about form. Making sure you are doing the workouts correctly.. and when doing bodyweight workouts.. take your time. When going slow you engage more muscles and use those muscles to do the workouts.. when you go fast and use momentum your only cheating yourself