Protein (macros)

Bmajhor Posts: 23 Member
Need some low-no fat protein boost ideas.... Tryin to get my macros to 50c 30p 20f......
I just can't seem to hit my protein target.... Also, does anyone know what is the best macros ratio is for weight loss?


  • FluffyMcNutter
    There isn't one best macro ratio for weight loss for everyone. It takes a little bit of time and experimentation with your diet to figure out what works for you in a sustainable way. I would have a really hard time dealing with 20% fat as a macro long term, but other people seem to be happy with that. Unless you have a medical reason for keeping your fat intake around 20%, I don't think it's all that necessary to try to find low- or no-fat protein sources.

    I get most of my protein from meat and dairy, and if I need to, I'll supplement with protein bars or protein shakes.

    If you're pretty set on low- or no-fat protein sources, then check out some of the dairy options like greek yogurt or cottage cheese.