intermittent fasting with physical job

Hey folks,

Need some advice on intermittent fasting and how to make it work with a physically denanding job. Im a park ranger and burn arou d 3000-3500 cals daily (without additional workouts) according to my body media device and have been reading a lot about IM and carb cycling and want to try it but im not sure how to do it correctly due to my job. I also want to start working out to tone up and get fitter but dont want to fall into a heap or screw up my muscles etc.

There is a lot of info about training days and non training days but im not sure if everyday I work is a training day or does thisrelate specifically to workout days? Should I be eating high carbs everyday I have hard days at work?

Also, ive ben trying to stick with 1500cals a day (29 female and 169cm) but am not sure if this is too much or not enough? I eat mostly low carb now with high protein and fat - lost of meat, veg, eggs, avocado, sweet potato, dark chocolate, low fat dairy, some fruit and I do indulge in champagne or low carb beers occasionally. I dont do well on grains or lots of fruit/sugar. Should I be eating more carbs?

I lost 8kg last year following 1300-1400 cal, workouts and less demanding job but have recently put a couple back on from weekend party binging (9 weddings in 4 months! !) And would like to lose 3-5kg and get stronger. Currently I stopped exercising as my new job just makes me buggered but without making me 'fit and strong'. Ive signed up for a tough mudder in october and rejoined the gym so keen to make this work.

Ive been trying he 8/16 fast over the last few days with my 8hr feed time between 10-8 but im running out of steam at work (7:30-4pm) so not sure if my body just needs to adjust or im not eating enough or whats happening. I also dont sleep well which is another thing im hoping the IM will help with.

Any advice would be great!!