Started running, putting on weight..

I started running 3x a week the last 2 weeks and my weight loss stopped after week 1 and now after week 2 i've put on a half a kilogram.

I'm using the a running app which allows me an extra 300 calories on the running days. Is it better just to focus more on my diet? or not add the running calories?


  • carolyn0613
    carolyn0613 Posts: 162 Member
    One of this things that is often said on here is Patience! 2 weeks is not a long time to see a long term difference. There are lots of reasons why you are showing an increase on the scales but you just have to keep in mind that your body needs time to adjust to a new routine. You know that you are doing something right by running. You are eating good food - not too much, logging all that you eat? Then it's just time (and a Zen attitude that's needed :-P)

    Come back here in two months and give us an update. In fact I'm off to my post that I made a few weeks ago (on exactly this topic!) to say that I'm now seeing more weigh coming off and a leaner looking body emerging.
  • AdviDaddy
    AdviDaddy Posts: 207 Member

    I have gained a pound in the last 1 week. I am not sure where I am going wrong. I eat clean, workout 3 times a week (cardio & wts).

    My theory - may be muscles are building and they are holding water. (I am not sure if I am fooling myself!)

    Will give it another 1-2 weeks and try again.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Is it better just to focus more on my diet?

    or not add the running calories?

    You might be overestimating the calorie burn, perhaps try eating back only 50% of the calories for a few weeks and see what happens. Although your first statement kind of implies you haven't been very on point with your diet, which would be the bigger issue.

    (and it's not going to be muscle, I know that's going to get posted)
  • stephaniethomas80
    stephaniethomas80 Posts: 190 Member
    How many calories are you eating? I'm a runner as well and I can't say as though I've ever gained weight from running but that doesn't mean it's not possible. Make sure your drinking lots of water to make up for what your sweating off. I would suggest getting a heart rate monitor if you don't have one as my running app extremely overestimates my calories burned.
  • prium01
    prium01 Posts: 306 Member
    You just have started a new exercise...Let your body adjust to your new regime....Give it at least 2 months before making any decisions...continue with the great workout..:drinker:
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    It's been two weeks. That's not long enough to tell anything, and half a kilo is negligible in the grand scheme of things. It's possible you are overestimating your burn, but it's unlikely that you've overestimated it by 3,500 calories in the past week (the rough amount you'd need to gain half a kilo of fat.) Even if you'd burned no calories at all running (likely?) and were eating over your goal by 300 calories each time, you'd probably still be eating within the deficit given to you by MFP.

    One thing that happens when you start a new exercise programme, or increase intensity, is that your muscles retain water as they repair themselves, which can affect the numbers you see on the scale. I would relax, carry on, and give it a few more weeks before you start seeing real progress.
  • sa1712
    sa1712 Posts: 11
    How many calories are you eating? I'm a runner as well and I can't say as though I've ever gained weight from running but that doesn't mean it's not possible. Make sure your drinking lots of water to make up for what your sweating off. I would suggest getting a heart rate monitor if you don't have one as my running app extremely overestimates my calories burned.

    im eating 1600 on days off, 1900 on running days. my carb and fat levels always stay in the green.

    think i need to try a different exercise, as running only seems to let me eat more that day, i dont see it having many other benefits

    im not really overweight (154 pounds/11 stone, 5ft 10) but feel very out of shape, skinny in some places/fat in others.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    im eating 1600 on days off, 1900 on running days. my carb and fat levels always stay in the green.

    think i need to try a different exercise, as running only seems to let me eat more that day, i dont see it having many other benefits

    im not really overweight (154 pounds/11 stone, 5ft 10) but feel very out of shape, skinny in some places/fat in others.
    What particular benefits are you looking for? Running is great for cardio fitness. Other cardio exercises won't do anything radically different, but if you don't like running, then it's definitely a good idea to find something you do like. Cardio in general is very beneficial for lots of reasons, but it really depends what your goals are.

    If you're wanting to change your body composition, then look into resistance training of some sort - body weight exercises or lifting weights. They will have a much more dramatic effect on how you look than cardio alone. I personally like a mix of cardio and strength - cardio for heart & lung fitness, endurance, and keeping my head in a good place. Strength for getting stronger, for maintaining muscle mass and bone density, and looking firmer.
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    first of all... why are you eating extra calories? Exercise is supposed to burn calories.... you eat your basic cals per day, not eat extra to make up for the exercise, and someone else said, you may be overcalculating how much you are burning.
    I can tell you right now... MFP is NOT accurate for exercise cals, ridiculously over generous.
    I can see plain as day why you are gaining.... STOP eating your exercise cals. End of story.
    AND congrats on starting to run, its awesome!!!!!!
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    first of all... why are you eating extra calories? Exercise is supposed to burn calories.... you eat your basic cals per day, not eat extra to make up for the exercise, and someone else said, you may be overcalculating how much you are burning.
    I can tell you right now... MFP is NOT accurate for exercise cals, ridiculously over generous.
    I can see plain as day why you are gaining.... STOP eating your exercise cals. End of story.
    AND congrats on starting to run, its awesome!!!!!!

    On MFP plan you are suppose to eat your exercise calories back BUT you are right the exercise calories are probably way over. I would try and either get a HRM and track your calories that way or only eat back half of your exercise calories. You don't wanna eat to little and you don't wanna eat to much.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    first of all... why are you eating extra calories? Exercise is supposed to burn calories.... you eat your basic cals per day, not eat extra to make up for the exercise, and someone else said, you may be overcalculating how much you are burning.
    I can tell you right now... MFP is NOT accurate for exercise cals, ridiculously over generous.
    I can see plain as day why you are gaining.... STOP eating your exercise cals. End of story.
    AND congrats on starting to run, its awesome!!!!!!

    She is not actually someone else mentioned, she'd have to be overeating by 3500 calories in a week for that weight loss! Plus, when MFP gives us calorie counts you are SUPPOSED to eat back any exercise calories because of the already generous deficit. I eat 1500 calories if I don't work out and between 1600-2600 if I do...depending on the workout and I still lose.

    Your muscles are probably retaining water from the new regimen. When I started running, I didn't lose for 3-4 weeks and then I dropped 17 pounds over the next 9 weeks. Now I just started lifting because the scale is stalled again but I'm not expecting to see a drop for a few more weeks because my muscles are very sore. Keep at it, stay focused, and if you're worried about an inaccurate calorie burn, buy a heart rate can get a really good one for about 60$. I know MFP actually UNDERESTIMATED my burns meaning I wasn't eating ENOUGH when I started running (I was eating 200-400 calories less than what I should be).
  • first of all... why are you eating extra calories? Exercise is supposed to burn calories.... you eat your basic cals per day, not eat extra to make up for the exercise, and someone else said, you may be overcalculating how much you are burning.
    I can tell you right now... MFP is NOT accurate for exercise cals, ridiculously over generous.
    I can see plain as day why you are gaining.... STOP eating your exercise cals. End of story.
    AND congrats on starting to run, its awesome!!!!!!

    I'd be careful chucking around advice like that...there are far too many people on here who do not understand how MFP works as it is, they will see advice like yours about not eating back exercise calories and think they are doing something wrong if they eat back exercise calories. If you are following MFP calories guidelines your deficit is built into your allotted calories already. Exercise calories are added so you can eat more. Agreed, they may not be 100% accurate but I don't agree with anyone eating 1200 calories baseline unless medical reasons dictate.

    OP, I would give it more time personally. If you enjoy running, then run. If you don't then stop. Cardio is good for the heart but you don't need it to lose weight. You only need to eat less than you burn to lose weight.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Water retention.
  • ergumm
    ergumm Posts: 82 Member
    I never eat the calories I burn during exercise! I hate that they add them on there. I consider those my weight loss calories. I always hear that you have to burn more than your eat to lose weight. If I eat my exercise calories, how can I loss weight? That's just how I see it. I know a lot of people do eat them. It's a personal thing.

    I would say do your measurements. Sometimes you see more inches lost than weight lost! Good luck!!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I have gained 3 pounds from running, its all muscle in my calves and hamstrings. My legs look freaking awesome. I have a spectacular diet and I exercise so I put the scale away, it was freaking me out.
  • I have gained 3 pounds from running, its all muscle in my calves and hamstrings. My legs look freaking awesome. I have a spectacular diet and I exercise so I put the scale away, it was freaking me out.

    You think you gained 3 lbs of muscle from running? Like seriously?
  • Flan656
    Flan656 Posts: 24 Member
    I gained loads of weight the first time I ever trained for a marathon- and completed it!
    The problem was, I was over estimating the calorie burn.. I was thinking that when the treadmill said I'd burned 600+ calories, I could eat this back, but alas, when I invested in a really good heart rate monitor I found the calorie burn was around half of what the treadmill or cross trainer was telling me, grrr.
    Also, I was seriously over doing it on the carbs- healthy carbs, but just far too many, I was constantly snacking on bowls of porridge, dried fruit, bananas, wholemeal bread.. Since Ive started strength training with a bit of cardio in the mornings, and changed the ratio of carbs and protein I've dropped over 15pounds, phew!!
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    Running is good for you...nuff said.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I have gained 3 pounds from running, its all muscle in my calves and hamstrings. My legs look freaking awesome. I have a spectacular diet and I exercise so I put the scale away, it was freaking me out.

    Um...I seriously doubt that. You can definately tone up those muscles and gain strength (at first) as they are put to use, but I seriously doubt the muscle gain as you say. You might have gained -some- stength in your legs as a result from running (I have) but not 3 lbs of muscle.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I have gained 3 pounds from running, its all muscle in my calves and hamstrings. My legs look freaking awesome. I have a spectacular diet and I exercise so I put the scale away, it was freaking me out.
    Umm. No. Running is a cardio exercise, you do not build muscle by doing cardio, it's a physiological impossibility.