Unhelpful people.



  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    I keept it private until people started noticing. Now they keep on asking when am I going to stop(I already have).
    My mom keeps on bringing me chocolate gifts and doing her best to stuff me with fattening food. I do my best to avoid her until she gets off my back. Also she used to tell me to cut my hair all the time and that keeping it long makes me look like a peasant. It hurts more when your own family does this to you so I just ended up visiting them less.
  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    people annoy me ive lost what i think is a large amount ive still about 56lb to go i can notice it now in my face but im sick of people going when did you stop dieting ect im like grrr!

    or my fav when i do have something bad people react as if ive sinned. eating a bag of maltesers the other day i had someone say omg they will make you fat... what happened to your diet did you give up ...

    omg 6 stone later i think im entitled to a bag of maltesers!! now i ignore them i dont even tell people when ive lost weight now

    Well done on your weight loss - I know the feeling on the malteasters!

    thanks its took me 1.5 years i always gain at xmas and my birthdays lol. I do allow days of where i have treats ect ive changed my lifestyle i eat better my son eats better ive lost weight but i cant resist malteasers lol

    oh and ive noticed these comments always come from friends who are the same size or bigger than me and have their own weight issues
  • JessicaRobin67
    JessicaRobin67 Posts: 275 Member
    I read this somewhere:

    In 4 weeks, you will notice a difference...
    In 8 weeks, your friends and family will notice a difference...
    In 12 weeks, others will notice a difference.

    This was true for me...
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I started my journey 6 weeks ago and have so far lost 16lbs. People ask if I have lost any weight and when I reply I get the raised eyebrow and the... "really where do you think you are losing it from".

    I guess what I want to know is how long did it take for a noticeable difference to happen. I still need to lose at least three stone but I can see my end goal now.

    My other half is fantastic and is being really supportive, it tends to be my work collegues and family members that are being the most unhelpful.

    Has anyone else experienced less then useful comments like "lets see how long this lasts" and "you'll crack eventually". "I'm eating fatty foods..because I can"

    You are making great progress, disregard those people. Soon they will be asking you for tips.
  • kerryanneg88
    I read this somewhere:

    In 4 weeks, you will notice a difference...
    In 8 weeks, your friends and family will notice a difference...
    In 12 weeks, others will notice a difference.

    This was true for me...

    I love that :)
  • 156almost
    156almost Posts: 12 Member
    I was exceptionally round when I started losing weight at 265 pounds and only 5'9' height. When I was first losing it was difficult to see the loss on me. Even the first 20 pounds was hard to see. I am finding that every pound makes it more and more noticeable. I think I see more of a different in the last 10 pounds than the first 30 combined.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I started my journey 6 weeks ago and have so far lost 16lbs. People ask if I have lost any weight and when I reply I get the raised eyebrow and the... "really where do you think you are losing it from".

    I guess what I want to know is how long did it take for a noticeable difference to happen. I still need to lose at least three stone but I can see my end goal now.

    My other half is fantastic and is being really supportive, it tends to be my work collegues and family members that are being the most unhelpful.

    Has anyone else experienced less then useful comments like "lets see how long this lasts" and "you'll crack eventually". "I'm eating fatty foods..because I can"

    Honestly it was visible around 50 pounds for me. Just ignore those people, at least you are working on it. Besides 16lbs in six weeks is good. Six months instead of six weeks at 16 pounds then you may have a problem.
  • JoRumbles
    JoRumbles Posts: 262 Member
    One word...JEALOUS!

    I find I need to lose about 1.5 stone to 2 stone before its noticable.

    That said, my sister noticed a difference in me in 3 weeks and that can't have been more than 6 or 8lb
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    Don't listen to them and just keep doing what you are doing...they will notice eventually and then they will ask how you did it...they will be a little jealous and try to sway you and such, but stay strong and stick with it! It does pay off eventually!
  • kellster111
    kellster111 Posts: 113 Member
    A stone is what, 10lbs? I just recently started getting the "you look like you're losing weight" comments and I'm close to 40lbs (4 stones?) down.

    ETA: The point is, while the comments are nice my determination doesn't waver when they aren't there. Thank the people who compliment you, and walk away from those who berate you. I have no desire to keep people around me that are going to be negative, so I just tell those types to shove off.

    A stone is 14lbs not 10lbs so 40lbs would be just over 3 stone
  • vivaldirules
    vivaldirules Posts: 169 Member
    No your not wrong because part of me stops and thinks - enjoy your fatty foods now because you may be slim now but your organs are crying out for healthy food.

    I'm glad you posted here where you'll find lots of positive support. And I'm also glad you have a positive attitude to persevere through other people's negative comments. They truly are not helpful and I, too, would encourage you to ignore the chatter from "outside". But you might also consider that those other people may also be hurting (or will be some day). As you say, their bodies eventually will be responding to their delusional habits. Perhaps you can help them, too, by pushing on and taking care of yourself....with a smile on your face. Best wishes to you!
  • kerryanneg88
    No your not wrong because part of me stops and thinks - enjoy your fatty foods now because you may be slim now but your organs are crying out for healthy food.

    I'm glad you posted here where you'll find lots of positive support. And I'm also glad you have a positive attitude to persevere through other people's negative comments. They truly are not helpful and I, too, would encourage you to ignore the chatter from "outside". But you might also consider that those other people may also be hurting (or will be some day). As you say, their bodies eventually will be responding to their delusional habits. Perhaps you can help them, too, by pushing on and taking care of yourself....with a smile on your face. Best wishes to you!

    Thank you for that - I read a quote once that said "what other people think is none of your business" I think I will be using this as my mantra from now on.
  • sjj3002
    sjj3002 Posts: 10
    You will find more Negative people then people who will cheer you up. Don't let their talks get to you. You are doing GREAT so far, keep up the good work. And above all, you are not doing it for them, you are doing it for yourself. :) And here at MFP, you will find true supportive friends who are fighting the same battle like you.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    What I did was I kept my head down and I didn't talk about it with anyone in my life other than my husband about it. I tend to jinx myself or sabotage myself when I feel pressure from others. I actually did it before I go on vaca next week. I gained like 5lbs back... Sigh.

    It took about 3 months for me to notice a big difference in my body because I wasn't looking for validation from others and time flew by. When you see yourself in the mirror every day you tend to not notice it until it hits you square in the face. I remember the day I looked down at my legs and arms and was like "what the? who is that?" I actually looked dainty! I was suddenly able to wear small necklaces and bracelets for the first time in my life.

    It will happen, just as everyone says "Don't do it for others, do it for yourself".
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    No your not wrong because part of me stops and thinks - enjoy your fatty foods now because you may be slim now but your organs are crying out for healthy food.

    Um, just because your skinny doesn't mean your unhealthy... and just because you eat healthy, doesn't mean you are. There are plenty of fit people on this site(myself included) who enjoy our "fatty foods"

    When I first read your post, I felt bad for you a bit, then I read that quoted part and it's clear you think that you are better then everyone else because you are dieting and they aren't.
  • kerryanneg88
    No your not wrong because part of me stops and thinks - enjoy your fatty foods now because you may be slim now but your organs are crying out for healthy food.

    Um, just because your skinny doesn't mean your unhealthy... and just because you eat healthy, doesn't mean you are. There are plenty of fit people on this site(myself included) who enjoy our "fatty foods"

    When I first read your post, I felt bad for you a bit, then I read that quoted part and it's clear you think that you are better then everyone else because you are dieting and they aren't.

    Actually I don' t think I am better than everyone else - but hey if its the only way I can get through a day of people sitting opposite me eating things dripping with fat ON PURPOSE to annoy me because they know its food I would have enjoyed happily six weeks ago - then that's how I am going to get through it.

    I don't need any one to feel bad for me - I need people to share their stories of unhelpful people so I know its not just me.

    Oh and feeling better than everyone else because I am dieting - actually you are so wrong I feel ashamed every day that I allowed myself to HAVE to diet.
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    I lost about 10 kilos before anyone noticed. I told a friend when I had lost about 5 kilos and she said she couldn't see it, which was depressing, but I could see and feel it. Now people tell me all the time and it's great :smile:

    I think it's probably better not to tell too many people, because some people will try and sabotage you, or start watching you like a hawk every time you pick up food etc.

    So just make your good choices, get some exercise, and lose weight for you. Gret that your partner is so supportive :smile:
  • KBGAgent
    KBGAgent Posts: 165 Member
    I have to say that most people did NOT notice my early weight loss. From 205 pounds down to 180, only my mom and a handful of ppl noticed. Then when I dropped to the 170s more people noticed. I went out last month and bought clothes that fit, now lots of ppl notice.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    It also depends on the clothes you wear. Lots of plus size clothing is cleverly designed to hide us and some of it does a very good job. It hides weight but that means it also hides weight loss.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Most folks I know still don't see a difference in my size, just a difference in how I'm choosing to eat. That's fine; I'm not doing this for most folks I know.

    Let the folks who don't matter to your journey to a healthier you not matter.