Time to make the crunch and stick to it.

Kitpurr Posts: 26 Member
Hi, everyone,

So I've lost weight before. About 10 kg over 4 years ago due to a gym membership and a switch to a vegan diet. Of course, I messed it up. I lost all that weight in like a month and a half and it only took me a couple after I stopped going to the gym before I'd put on another 7kg or so. Now I've put it all back on plus extra. I've got 15kg (roughly 30lbs) to shed.

I want to lose it and I don't want to ever have to lose it again. I know I need to make my diary and weight loss plan a way of life, I don't want to start this only to give up and go up to 90 or 100kg in a year and feel even more miserable and frumpy.

I have a few obstacles. I'm vegetarian and I know I rarely get enough protein, (or when I do it's all from full fat cheese and I'm way over my calorie limit for the day). My partner is vegetarian too but he is also 6'4" and can eat anything without gaining an ounce which he often puts to the test by downing entire bags of doritos and other junk in front of me. It's also just started getting cold and wet here and I don't know how I am going to motivate myself to go out and exercise. My hardest obstacle though is my brain, I tend to be very pessimistic and down on myself and I know that isn't helpful when you want to lose weight.

I'm really hoping other people have the answers of how to get around these problems and if so I'd love to hear your ideas and your successes.

Thanks guys,


  • Rarity2013
    Rarity2013 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi :) I'm pretty new too.

    I've long lived with vegetarians in my life, and I love vegetarian food myself. Your best bet for good protein is to eat lots of pulses. There are loads of varieties so you can find ones you like, and they can be really versatile- great for soups, sauces etc.
    I used to like making butterbean spread for sandwiches/toast.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    I'm really hoping other people have the answers of how to get around these problems and if so I'd love to hear your ideas and your successes.

    sounds like you just need some protein powder and some will power! and some reduced fat cheese!

    cottage cheese, greek yoghurt & eggs are also good sources of protein.
  • Kitpurr
    Kitpurr Posts: 26 Member
    I used to like making butterbean spread for sandwiches/toast.

    That sounds tasty, do you have a recipe or a link to one that is good?