any suggestions?

LilMissAngi Posts: 127
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I am going to get a workout DVD... any suggestions?


  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,999 Member
    What are your goals? What kinds of workouts do you like to do?

    I'm a Beachbody coach, so I tend to lean that way (but that doesn't mean I like all the BB workouts I've tried). My favorites are Slim in 6, Slim Series and P90X.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I like Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout. I like the interval training with cardio and stregnth mixed together. Both very inexpensive at Walmart
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Lots of folks are into Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, but as PJilly shared, it really depends on your goals and the type of workouts you think you'd like. Some love the dance type vids, some enjoy the Leslie Sansone Walk Slim videos (there's a thread on the Jillian one and the WATP (walk away the lbs by Lesie Sansone) here on MFP you can always check in with them.

    Lots of threads on the Beachbody fitness video's some ppl love as well.

    Good luck finding what works for you Angi:drinker:
  • mooselady2004
    mooselady2004 Posts: 30 Member
    The Firm videos are really good for working in both strength and cardio.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    If you are going to go to walmart to get it then there is a dance video that is pretty fun (10 min solutions by Jennifer Gerlardi). Also my friend got the Biggest Loser cardio max, from there as well, and that kicks your butt! :laugh: But if you are going to order one from somewhere I personally like Turbo Jam. Very fun and a good workout. Good luck! :smile: Oh and I have tried the WATP and I didn't like it for me it was snoozing boring. But that is just me you might be different one of my friends loves it. I personally don't like walking in place.
  • LilMissAngi
    LilMissAngi Posts: 127
    I like to dance, I used to dance back in highschool.... so anything like that would be great!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,999 Member
    I like to dance, I used to dance back in highschool.... so anything like that would be great!
    That's good to know. I don't like to dance, which is why Turbo Jam and Yoga Booty Ballet are not high on my list of favorite BB workouts (too "dancy" for my uncoordinated self), but you might really like them. I know lots of people who just love Turbo Jam!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Katie shared Turbo Jam, that one you would love then! You could also Google or start a thread but title it 'favorite workout vids?' or favorite dance workout vids' might get more ppl poppin' open your thread. Just a thought!:drinker: :wink:

    Do you have any place local you could take a Salsa class aka ZUMBA!? You'd LOVE that if you love dance, the music alone is to die for, you could get a vid for it but it's NOT the same as the energy you get from being in a class with a group. Check out Youtube, they have some longer Zumba vids you can probably get a sense of how they are, some are like 20 minutes long which is not a bad workout for starting out.

    I hear from other members there is also an excercise channel out there with all sorts of workout vids, might try giving a go, they offer all sorts of free shows and all sorts of vids. Bet you'll find something you like. :tongue: Netflix is another source.:wink::drinker:
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    There is another dance video that I have the is called hip hop party by the same person as the other one I mentioned and that one is pretty fun too, you get it from walmart or target. Otherwise if you are going to go with ordering one online I would go with the Turbo Jam.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I like to dance, I used to dance back in highschool.... so anything like that would be great!
  • CMomma23
    CMomma23 Posts: 132 Member
    My favorites are the Biggest Loser, Boot Camp and Last Chance DVDs... I also love Turbo Jam... It is fun to just dance and sweat... And Time just flies by! Good luck!
  • I do pilates and I LOVE IT...not to sound lazy or anything but I dont like to do the whole "jumping around" bit some DVD's offer. Pilates is awesome because its very peaceful, and you can lay down on the floor and pretty much do all of the workouts. I very much love it and boy does it BURN but I love it lol...

    Also they do GREAT stretches and I incorporate that in before bed time, and feel so relaxed and I think because of that I sleep easier :)
  • drohde12
    drohde12 Posts: 22
    I love teh 10 minute Solutions Pilates DVD's. The best instructors are Lara Hudson and Suzanne Bowen. These DVD's are a great way to relax plus the exercises are perfect for toning and sculpting. Plus, these DVD's are cheap! Usually less than $10. Try
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