following a diet or just calorie counting??

hi everyone thought id make a post and see if there is anyone else out there who is doing any forms of diet or are you just calorie counting?
i am currently on day 2 of the cambridge diet, i did brilliantly last time but each time i had done it i fell pregnant and had to stop, so now im back and sticking to it, i have no plans to have any more kids :-) last year before i found out i was pregnant i had lost 4 stone by calorie counting, during my pregnancy i had decided i was going to eat what i want and when i want, and that 4 stone has come back with a vengence, i have made the decision for a quick boost by doing this diet, i will log my days intake and be completely honest, i will log my weight loss too and hopefully be someones buddy wether your on the same diet or also following a low calorie diet.

a bit about me, im 26, have 3 kids (6,5 & 9months) i have struggled with my weight forever, i am a middle child and was always known as the fat one but looking back on the pictures it was only cos my sister was rediculously skinny, id give anything to be the size i was back ten again now! i think im going to always battle with weight, i dont think it was ever the amount i ate, it was more often then not the type of food i ate, so this is my kick start and then its the journey to train myself in what i can have again in the right portion sizes. so theres a little bit about me
im always happy to have more diet buddys, keep each other going. please add me and lets help each other.


  • sabrinalee8
    sabrinalee8 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm eating clean, no processed food and drinking plenty of water.
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    No diet. I just watch portions and calories. If I'm eating in a way that I can't keep up with 100% of the time, it seems like a waste of time to me. I want a way of life that will continue with me regardless of what's going in my life. Otherwise it's way too easy to stop doing what's been working and have to start over again. And I don't see a point in that.
  • oldandhealthier
    oldandhealthier Posts: 449 Member
    Counting calories mostly but i have lowered the carbs a lot, no more pasta almost every night. I would not call that a low carb diet just greatly reduced.
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    I try to eat whole food as much as I possibly can. I stay away from processed foods (I kind of feel the word food added to processed is kind of an oxymoron). I count calories. I've taken the weight off many, many times before only to always put it back on. Mostly it is because I have gotten tired of deprivation and I want to relax and eat like the rest of the world.

    So I'm finding that by counting calories I'm not experiencing deprivation ... the reason ... no food is off limits. I just plan for it. Once a week I allow myself a treat (not a binge I don't do free days, just one free treat). So on this treat day I will choose to have something that I've been craving ... chips, ice cream, cake, pie or even french fries. I log it, but if I go over on calories that day I don't consider that a real problem. Generally I don't go over, but I've told myself if I do that is fine. Once a month I allow myself a free meal (again not a binge, just the meal) on this day I'll do something crazy like pizza or deep fried southern style chicken. I log it, most of the time I go over on this day ... I'm fine with that. By doing this I control things. I know I haven't been at this that long, but it is quickly becoming a part of me. I also feel like I'm living a more normal life. I'm not doing the weird point conversion (and paying through the nose for those weird points), I'm not denying myself large categories of food, I can go into most any restaurant and make what they serve work for me.

    I do believe in saying this, do what works for you. It is important to find your own balance. Try to follow healthy approaches in all that you do.
  • Dottyb1940
    Dottyb1940 Posts: 188 Member
    I follow the 5/2 diet and I find it suits me fine started 4th February 10 weeks in lost 16lbs very happy
  • our_ayley
    our_ayley Posts: 66 Member
    Currently on the Dukan Diet, which is basically low carb, high protein, low fat.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    No diet - just making smart choices. No processed foods - only whole foods. Trying to get 90oz of water everyday, no soda, only 1 glass of wine/day on weekends only, 5 servings of fruit/veggies and 2 servings of dairy. Workout atleast 5 days/week... keeping calories about 1200-1500 NET.

    I've tried "diets" and "cleanses" and all kinds of other crap and it works for a while but I get tired of keeping up with it and restricting myself so I gain it all back.

    If I want chocolate or some other sweet, I have it - I just make wiser decisions and keep within my cal count.

    Try doing the 30 Day Shred -that's what I'm doing right now, many people on here have had great success with it. Good luck!
  • BigDog
    BigDog Posts: 272 Member
    Eating less, moving more, and lifting heavy. (Well I just started the lifting heavy so it's not to heavy yet, but I think I'm going to like it.) Lost 52 pounds since the beginning of this year.

    Good luck!
  • Feather82
    Feather82 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm taking things slow this time around, and it is working great for me so far. Currently, I eat whatever I want, but I try to stay within my calories each day. Some days are healthier than others. In a few weeks, I will start working on refining my diet and slowly replacing processed foods with whole foods, adding more vegetables, eating healthier fats, etc. Same goes for exercise. Doing too much at once doesn't work for me, and it took me a while to realize it and learn from it.
  • aranchmom
    aranchmom Posts: 176 Member
    I have joined Weight Watchers 2 weeks ago - loving it like crazy! I don't do 'low-fat', just eat less of the real stuff. Otherwise, its encouraged me to eat a ton more fruits/veggies.

    I have been amember on MFP for 2 years, and have never lost more than 2-3 lbs. (Which I will be the first to admit is my own fault - no real-life accountability. )
    last week on WW I lost 3.2 lbs, and this week I am down 2 lbs. And I can eat anytime I need to. All veggies/fruit is unlimited. :)
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Just counting calories. I'm doing weight training at the moment so I'm eating at 50carb/30protein/20fat macro.
  • AlanahCFit
    AlanahCFit Posts: 53 Member
    I'm counting calories and using those calories in a way that works for me. For now I'm jump starting things by using meal replacement shakes. I really love and am down 5 pounds in 5 days. I'm ready to truly reach my goals this time!
  • mlalka
    mlalka Posts: 16
    Started to do body fo life, but also use the calorie count to help make better choices. Have not gotten into the exercise routine yet but i figured that anything is better than nothing.
  • pineneedles
    pineneedles Posts: 11 Member
    I count calories and I only eat in a four hour window per day (but I usually only do 2 hrs, 4 is "the rule" if life gets in the way). I also try to make about half of the bulk of the food I eat vegetable and fruits (for health reasons but also so that I feel fuller and more satisfied). That is not so much a rule as something that I like doing.
    I find the four hour eating window helps me because I like to feel satisfied after I eat... Like I had everything I wanted. I obsess over food when I eat all day and I don't like eating small meals... Just doesn't do it for me.
  • pamla77
    pamla77 Posts: 36 Member
    I have been working on mangaging my weight for 10 + years and this is the first time I have ever counted calories. I suggest the book Body for Life as a great health and fitness program. I have the basis of that engraved in my brain and rely on that knowledge to get me back on track when i've let the pounds sneak back on. And it works every time, and makes sense.

    However, now that I AM counting calories it helps keep me in check with my choices. Seeing the "numbers" really does help me. I LOVE this site so far!!