Addicted to Coke

I have been drinking coca cola since I was roughly 6-7 years old. I drink at least 2 litres a day easily and I really would like to stop to drinking coke especially this amount of it.
Does anyone else constantly drink coke? and does it cause weight gain?


  • jdm0804
    jdm0804 Posts: 98 Member
    Unfortunately, yes it does cause weight gain. It's basically pure sugar and empty calories. A lot of people find that cutting out soda can lead to a pretty healthy weight loss. Personally, I still drink one or two a week, but some will curse you and tell you to cast out the devil water. I'd work on scaling back before you cut it completely out.
  • bipsqueen
    bipsqueen Posts: 57 Member
    Regular soda of any kind definitely will cause weight gain! It's full of sugar and about 120 calories in 12 ounces.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    coke doesnt cause weight gain, eating above your TDEE does.
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    im a big dr.pepper addict or was when I quit I got seriously sick because I didn't drink water or anything else just dr.pepper !!!
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I'm addicted to coke too!

    I had no idea you could drink it though . . . .

    I bet your entire neck turns numb huh?

    Oh yeah and soda doesn't make you fat. Eating more than your TDEE does.
  • ainsleybtown
    OMG does it ever! SO, so bad for you. So much sugar!! Start cutting back slowly. The sugar is VERY addicting in my opinion. Very hard ingredient to cut out. You'll likely even get headaches when you start cutting it out. Whatever you do, don't switch to diet. That's probably worse for you.
  • megan1869
    megan1869 Posts: 166 Member
    I USE to drink coke all the time... and its a super hard addiction to kick! I quit for a period of about 2 years cold turkey - initially you experience headaches and cravings but once you get over that you are golden. Today I take sips here and there (I work in a food joint so its hard to avoid) and try to avoid it for the most part because it DOES cause weight gain - for me you can just see it in my face when Ive had too wishes....hope you quit youll save tons of calories
  • txin1
    txin1 Posts: 100 Member
    My doctor prescribed Topamax to help me kick my Coke habit. It's a headache medication so I never had caffeine headaches and it also made the Coke taste terrible. That was about one year ago and I haven't had one since.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    Well, considering that a 2 litre bottle would be about 879.164 calories, I would say that yes, it's going to contribute to your weight a lot, unless you're only eating a very minimal amount of food... Like 400-800ish depending on your calorie requirements for your size. A lot of people constantly drink soda, or sweet tea, or other high calorie beverages. Cutting it out or cutting it down to like 1 can per day would be very helpful. I used to drink a lot of soda, but I stopped probably 10 years ago. I'll occasionally have one here and there, but I don't feel so compelled to drink it, ever, the way I used to. Good luck.

    ETA: When I quit drinking soda, I worked for a vending company as a supervisor, so I had access to as much of it as I wanted, whenever I wanted. But I opted to stop, because I knew I needed to.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Eating more calories than you burn is what causes weight gain, but Coke is just an empty calorie drink. I love it though!! :blushing: I used to be a 20-40 ounce per day girl and now just don't keep it in the house. I tend to only drink soda when I'm out for dinner about once a week.

    Just make sure you log what you drink. As I was logging it, I would think "what a waste" and it became easier to cut out. But I agree with another post --- don't go cold turkey!! Reduce and then remove.
  • dontgobacktosleep
    dontgobacktosleep Posts: 144 Member
    My mother in law is in her fifties and could literally drink her body weight in Pepsi. She shocked us when she quit cold turkey 3 weeks ago, and has dropped over 10 pounds since. Aside from her weight loss her skin now glows instead of a grey pallor, her energy shot through the roof, and she tells us she actually feels rested in the mornings now.

    Oddly enough she has zero cravings, and the thought of it now is enough to make her sick. I feel the same way after cutting it out last August.

    I have one of those weight loss equivalent charts, funny thing, 10lbs was equivalent to the average amount of chemical additives the average person consumes in a year! Yikes!

    If you need support quitting you are welcome to add me :)
  • jakeabhau
    jakeabhau Posts: 30
    You could try the Citrus Vitamin Water as a replacement. (It's the one that has extra Vitamin B for energy). My wife did this and was able to give it up. It has a lot less sugar and the Vitamin B helps with the "caffeine" your body thinks you need. Coke is addictive in nature. But Vitamin Water isn't. This means, that once you make the switch, cutting down on Vitamin Water will be much easier, too.

    Anyway. It worked for my wife. She doesn't drink either now. It took her about a year to go through the whole process though so be patient.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    The coke isn't too bad, it's the hookers that got expensive.
  • sarski77
    sarski77 Posts: 79
    My most honest suggestion is go cold turkey.

    As well as weight gain, you should think about what it does to your teeth... Fizzy drinks every now and then but all the time in such large quantity simply isn't healthy.
  • jsidel126
    jsidel126 Posts: 694 Member
    I started substituting crystal light for soda (no sugar, no carbonation, few calories, sweet taste) I add twice as much water as the package recommends. Tastes fine to me.

    I also add water to soda if its available. Unless I add a significant amount of water to soda, it stills tastes plenty sweet.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Over consumption of sugary sodas is said to be one of the biggest contributors to the obesity epidemic.

    It's incredibly easy to rack up lots of calories with very little satiety in return.
  • shelbyss133
    shelbyss133 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in the same boat you are! I was addicted to it to where I would get bad migraines if I didnt have it! I cut it out for about a year and yeah I lost some weight... however I started back up again. Sometimes I can go a couple of days without having it...usually when i'm at home because we dont have it hear.... but theres a fridge at work that is stocked full of it! i try to avoid it as much as possible.... but the stress from my job makes me taste it so I have to go get one.... ive said as soon as I started this weight loss journey that I would cut out everything bad and replace with healthy stuff EXCEPT coca-cola... I do think that 1-2 liters is a little much tho!
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Unfortunately, yes it does cause weight gain. It's basically pure sugar and empty calories. A lot of people find that cutting out soda can lead to a pretty healthy weight loss. Personally, I still drink one or two a week, but some will curse you and tell you to cast out the devil water. I'd work on scaling back before you cut it completely out.

    It will cause weight gain if your total calories are above your TDEE.

    OP, maybe cut down? Allow yourself one small glass a day? Would you drink diet or something like Coke Zero instead? No calories but you still get your pop.

    Cutting out pop can help your weight loss as long as you aren't replacing those calories with something else. Cutting out 200 calories a day of pop cut adding in 200 calories of juice, meat, fruit, etc won't change your weight.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I love it too, but try any only have one every week, sometimes that doesn't work. I think I miss the carbonation when I give it up. I used to drink 2-3 a day, went to 1 a day, now 1 a week, maybe 2. They actually taste better when I haven't had one for a while. The amount of calories aren't always worth it, but sometimes I just count it as my snack and don't have a real snack. It's a hard habbit to break.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    According to your profile you are 19 years old, this means you've been drinking coke at a study rate for 12-13 years. Whether or not it makes you gain weight isn't even the problem. The problem is that soda has zero nutritional redemption at all. I have no doubt that the massive amounts of sugar will cause weight gain in people, but you're young and that may not have hit you yet, or if so not too badly.

    It's not even pure sugar either, it's that HFCS we all love, that you're getting. A soda once in awhile as a treat is one things, but all day everyday is another. Do yourself a favor and cut down or even better cut it out.

    Also, there was an episode of 'My Strange Addiction' where someone almost lived off of coke. The show may be pretty sensational, but it really is eye opening to see the massive amounts of sugar involved in drinking so much soda all the time.