Need input on starting Insanity..

So I'm finally back on MFP.. I've hit a plateu and need to switch up what I'm doing.. I really want to try Insanity but I've never been one to commit to something when it involves working out at home or I tend to cut myself short.. What are some things I can do to commit myself to a at home workout such as Insanity because the results I have seen are GREAT!


  • vernonsmommy
    I have tried Insanity in the past, and it is great if you are willing to push yourself. They often use the catch phrase " dig deeper." But I have to admit, it will kick your but once you get to the harder dvd's! But if you stick with it, you'll be amazed how much your body can do. The best advice I can give you is do your workout in the morning..really early!
  • Fat2FitACE
    Just be careful....I blew out my knee doing it and now can't run :sad:
  • Leeann1979
    Leeann1979 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I am the same way. I have a hard time sticking with things. I get bored easy. I am doing the 30 Day Shred right now, and to keep me motivated, I keep reading success stories from people who have completed it. I just completed level 1, and I am seeing changes in my body, so that is motivating too.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    I have 10 days left. There have been days when I haven't felt like doing it I admit. Once I started realizing I could do it I started trying to beat my calorie burns for each DVD. It didn't hurt when I had a friend tell me I should try something different because I would never be able to finish it.
  • jobrandes
    jobrandes Posts: 136 Member
    I have done Insanity before more than once and it is amazing. It is hard but totally worth it. I love Beachbody's workouts. I can answer pretty much any question you have about Insanity or another BB workout because I own most all of them. I fell in love with those workouts, quit the gym and never looked back. If you need motivation or support totally let me know we have a huge group on Facebook and all of us are doing Beachbody workouts from Insanity to P90X to TurboFire and many more of them. It is really fun and you can't help but want to workout because of this team of folks all doing what you are. Let me know, pop me a message. I'll totally help you or answer questions. :smile:

  • Smash666
    Smash666 Posts: 42 Member
    Yes DIG DEEP... But be careful at the same time. Screwed up both my ankles on my first round of insanity lost over a week of training due to it.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    dont do insanity - do something easier
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    I liked insanity cause i saw resaults moves were simple and i didnt think i looked like i head mental issues like turbo fire :P
    So I'm finally back on MFP.. I've hit a plateu and need to switch up what I'm doing.. I really want to try Insanity but I've never been one to commit to something when it involves working out at home or I tend to cut myself short.. What are some things I can do to commit myself to a at home workout such as Insanity because the results I have seen are GREAT!
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    dont do insanity - do something easier

    ^^ And this should be motivation enough to do it! Makes me want to do a second round!
  • Kaynzie
    Kaynzie Posts: 2
    I hit a plateau for weeks and weeks and then I started parking far away from work and forcing myself to walk. It made all the difference, even if I just did it once a week. The day I would do that, I would loose weight. It takes a lot of motivation to do that, but it works so if I want another pound off that week, I do it!
    Also, I thought I hated seafood, and I still do as far as clams, oysters, etc. I thought I hated salmon, but then I forced myself to try it and it's really yummy! I will order the spicy filet on salad in restaurants and I never thought I would like such a thing. I'm not a salad eater either. Also get the frozen seasoned salmon from Sams Club and grill it at home and it is really good. A change from grilling chicken. Mahi is good too. Not fishy at all. Also if you get white albacore tuna in water and drain it really well, it tastes like chicken in a sandwich or salad and is very low fat and good for you.
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    agreed the moves are simple even though the workouts intence plus more fun
    dont do insanity - do something easier

    ^^ And this should be motivation enough to do it! Makes me want to do a second round!
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    I liked insanity cause i saw resaults moves were simple and i didnt think i looked like i head mental issues like turbo fire :P

    I feel lost on Turbofire too, thinking about trying Insanity
  • Seraphemz
    Seraphemz Posts: 84 Member
    Dont beat your self up because you cant keep up with them at first, and need to take more breaks, it gets easier..