Good Carbs Bad Carbs

I am reducing carbs, so cutting out pasta and potatoes etc where possible.
I had a Soya protein shake (0.1g carbs per serving), because it tastes SO bad I blended in a banana, however adding the banana is almost 40% of the daily carbs I want to achieve, so good carbs bad carbs, anyone got an informed opinion on this?
Whats the difference in 50g carbs from white pasta compared to 50g from banana's?


  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    I'm not sure if there is a difference or if your body processes good and bad carbs the same or not however I don't pay attention to the good carbs. They come with much more nutrients than a plate of pasta carbs would.
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    I would say cut shakes, wheat, bananas [unless you live in a place where they grow], corn and potatoes---

    Good carbs for me are: apples, sweet potatoes, gluten free bread [check to be sure it is not loaded with extra sugar and fat], lowfat Greek yogurt [again make sure it is not loaded with sugar].......

    To me good carbs are food that are as unprocessed as possible, low in sugar and fat, high in protein.

    Good luck.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Good carbs: Carbs that taste delicious.

    Bad carbs: Broccoli.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    My informed opinion:

    Carbs are not evil. They are your friend.

    Pasta and potatoes are yummy. Eat them!
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member

    Additionally, why are you cutting carbs? Trying to cut water weight for something?
  • m4ttcheek
    m4ttcheek Posts: 229 Member
    Carbs = Carbs

    Some will have health benefits that others don't but they wont harm you.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Allllll the carbs! :)
  • nsre1976
    nsre1976 Posts: 19
    Good carbs: Carbs that taste delicious.

    Bad carbs: Broccoli.

    Spot on lol
  • Rarity2013
    Rarity2013 Posts: 196 Member
    I don't know whether this information will be helpful to you, but I have always thought that I had a very seriously carb-heavy diet. By tracking my food intake and inputting my home cooked recipes on here, I've discovered that I'm easily within the guidelines on just about any advice website known to man.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that a lot of the "good carb, bad carb" information can be very misleading. Its worth bearing that in mind if you're trying to cut down.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    In all honesty, not much. You probably get a few more micronutrients from the bananas (like potassium) though.

    It's not necessarily good carbs / bad carbs (unless you have some kind of gluten / wheat intolerance that is) as opposed to calorie density (some carbs are far more calorie dense) and satiety (carbs which contain high water contents and fibre - like vegetables - tend to be a lot more filling.)

    Finally, there is the issue of blood sugar levels which may not be important to you unless you are insulin resistant / metabolic syndrome / diabetic. If that is the case you want to ensure your carb intake is mostly from fibrous vegetables.
  • nsre1976
    nsre1976 Posts: 19

    Additionally, why are you cutting carbs? Trying to cut water weight for something?

    Because I have been busting myself in the gym, cardio and weights for two years, cut out the booze ages ago, now tweaking diet, PT is always preaching about cutting down carbs, so do a lot of people on forums, so I am now giving it a try to shed the last bits of persistant fat.
    Do you think carbs are linked to water retention then? Carbo - hydrates?
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Good carbs: Carbs that taste delicious.

    Bad carbs: Broccoli.

  • VeinsAndBones
    VeinsAndBones Posts: 550 Member
    Carbs a carb, doesn't matter.. satiety is another topic
  • m4ttcheek
    m4ttcheek Posts: 229 Member
    Cutting carbs is just an easy way of cutting overall cals. The overall cals being the important thing. You also hold a lot less water so you lose a lot of water weight quickly.
  • mikejholmes
    mikejholmes Posts: 291 Member
    The difference is the rate at which insulin gets spiked. In terms of weight loss, it doesn't matter.

    I'm cutting carbs, but I'm doing it because I'm a diabetic.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I am reducing carbs, so cutting out pasta and potatoes etc where possible.
    I had a Soya protein shake (0.1g carbs per serving), because it tastes SO bad I blended in a banana, however adding the banana is almost 40% of the daily carbs I want to achieve, so good carbs bad carbs, anyone got an informed opinion on this?
    Whats the difference in 50g carbs from white pasta compared to 50g from banana's?

    The difference is the rate at which insulin gets spiked. In terms of weight loss, it doesn't matter.


    Also, micronutrient content...lot more nutrition in the banana.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member

    Additionally, why are you cutting carbs? Trying to cut water weight for something?

    Because I have been busting myself in the gym, cardio and weights for two years, cut out the booze ages ago, now tweaking diet, PT is always preaching about cutting down carbs, so do a lot of people on forums, so I am now giving it a try to shed the last bits of persistant fat.
    Do you think carbs are linked to water retention then? Carbo - hydrates?
    Yes. They are. Which is notoriously why body builders cut carbs and a ton of water before a competition. Their skin looks like paper and strechtes.

    The ONLY reason why a low carb diet will work is because it forces you to eat satieting amounts of protein and fat; making it almost IMPOSSIBLE to over-eat on calories. That's it. Calories in vs. Calories out. Carbs can be at whatever level you feel necessary. You SHOULD be eating enough protein and fats ANYWAY.

    1.) Being in ketosis does not mean you are burning fat
    2.) eating low carb causes water loss
    3.) eating low carb forces you to eat high protein/fat which make it difficult to go over on calories

    Additionally, you'll start to notice how ****ty you will feel eating low carb. ;) Bodybuilders consider this cutting stage like HELL right before competition.

    IMO if you are capable of hitting your protein/fat goal and you are eating at a deficit, who gives a crap how many carbs youre getting?
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    My informed opinion:

    Carbs are not evil. They are your friend.

    Pasta and potatoes are yummy. Eat them!

    Nope. Not for everyone.

    Not all carbs are created equal. For those who are insulin resistant, pre-diabetics, or diabetics the types of carbs DO matter.

    Insulin, glucose, and the like DO matter. Certain foods raise/lower. It can be a problem in the weight loss department.

    Those who have food allergies and intolerance also have the same problem with some carbs, especially those containing white flours.

    There is nothing wrong will following a low carb diet. I wish people would stop telling OPs that talk about LC that carbs are good. You know nothing about their medical history, you are not a dietitian, nutritionist, or even an endocrinologist. Only they know what are going to work best for a person.

    Weight loss and fitness is NOT one-size-fits-all.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    ps: if you carry a lot of weight around your midsection I do think that lowering carbs is a good idea, or specifically everything but non starchy veg in the first instance.

    You can then start adding in starchy vegs to see how you react and then other carbs like rice, quinoa etc. Finally, introduce refined / processed carbs (bread / pasta) and so forth monitoring how you react again.

    Lots of fat around the midsection indicates visceral fat which indicates possible insulin resistance. Good diet built on lots of fibrous veg can help a lot as well as HIIT.
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member

    Additionally, you'll start to notice how ****ty you will feel eating low carb. ;)

    Really?? Because I know plenty of bodybuilders who follow the ketogenic diet and are in better shape than they ever have, and constantly win competitions.

    As for me, I feel better than I ever have in my entire life on a LC diet.