Been chubby forever. What is my life?



  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Guys...zombie thread from over a year ago. You can stop asking questions.

    omg this made me LOL so effing hard. I didn't even see that
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    So I'm turning 19 in two months. Ever since I was little, I've been chubby or overweight or whatever. My parents took good care of me and we always went on bike rides and threw the frisbee around or did something to keep me running around. My mom always made me finish my corn before I could have a brownie (god, I hate corn...) and she did her best to keep my meals balanced (even if I did sneak a few cookies when she wasn't looking..hah).
    But I've always been flubbery!
    I think the most traumatizing experience for me for being a chubby kid, because before I was not aware of my chubbyness, was when the pediatrician suggested my mom take me to this short health class for kids and parents about being overweight and how to manage it. The person teaching the class had a big chunk of fake fat and was talking about, "Oh this is a pound of fat, this is inside of you. Gross, isn't it? Blah blahh blah." And was talking about exercising and eating right. I give shiznat about the rest of what she was saying I was just like, "Oh my god I'm here because I'm fat." That was like...first grade I think. I didn't think about it much afterwards, but sometimes that memory would keep coming back to me and make me feel bad.
    I think the skinniest I was ever was in 3rd grade when I had an infection in my stomach and I couldn't eat any gluten, sugars, carbs, yeast...Everything had to be natural and. Oh wow, do I hate whole wheat bread. It sucked so bad being in 3rd grade and halloween and Valentines went by...

    Anyways, was a really cute look for me (I was freaking adorable) until aboooutt....6th grade when kids get really mean and start to judge and make fun of you. I never was severely overweight or anything, I just wasn't as skinny as the other kids. And lemme tell you, being chubby and the only black kid in your class is not easy. But despite all the soccer I would play or how much I rode around on my bike or scooter with my friends, I could never lose weight. Never ever. I could drop maybe five pounds, but I saw other kids I've always known go from overweight to super duper fit over summer. WTF. What is wrong with me?

    I know it's not a thyroid problem. I got that tested already.
    Has anyone else had this problem? You've been overweight your whole life and it just seems like nothing will work? Has this been you and you DID find something that worked?

    Don't mean to be rude OP but what exactly HAVE you tried to do in order to lose weight. I read your post twice and at no point did you mention tracking your caloric intake.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Guys...zombie thread from over a year ago. You can stop asking questions.

    Dammit, again. I try to read the OP post only for my first response so I'm not just parroting what other people have said based on bias after reading their posts but that always gets me into trouble with posts like these. Need to remember to check the date.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    nothing is wrong with you, i was the same way. until i started counting calories that is. i can pinpoint to the day when i started losing weight, and i can pretty much pinpoint the month that ill be done (could be more accurate but i have cheat days ect.)
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Guys...zombie thread from over a year ago. You can stop asking questions.
    well ****. i never check the date on these things i just assume theyre recent lol
  • beccagetsskinny
    beccagetsskinny Posts: 13 Member
    Hey Daross,

    First off, way to go for asking questions about your health! I think it's great that you're taking the initiative to improve your overall health.

    I too was a chubby athletic kid. I grew up doing a lot of sports (swimming, tennis, martial arts) and was varsity for tennis in high school. Yet, i was always chubby. When reading your post, i can still recall moments of being bullied because though i was athletic, i was teased. It totally sucked that the only time i felt i shined was on the field.

    No matter how much i exercised, i didn't lose weight. It wasn't until i tried the South Beach Diet and moved to korea for a year that i lost 40+ pounds within six months or something like that. I know it's crazy, but definitely the society pressure of being thin and not being able to go shopping because i wasn't a size 6 or smaller, definitely helped. Not to mention that Korean food is naturally healthy. But if anything, the first two weeks of the southbeach really changed my perspective on food. and it was CRAZY how quickly i lost weight. I coupled this with a half marathon training and weight training, which attributed to the accelerated weight loss.

    But i didn't keep it off. After moving back to the states and getting into some bad relationships, i slowly gained the weight back. (about 5 pounds a year). it's been a tough journey, but i'm starting to work back towards my previous weight and determined to keep it off.

    If experience has taught me anything is that the small things count. That brownie that you ate? that adds up. that extra drink you had? that adds up. that cookie you had? that adds up. Even though you may think that you're eating healthy, you'll be surprised at the amount of bad stuff you actually eat.

    At the end of the day it's about being consistent. It's consistently eating healthy, consistently being good and not eating those carb laden foods. If your doctor said you're on the verge of insulin resistance, that means that you need to start cutting out sugar, in all forms.

    I say try it for two weeks. try taking a break from bread and sugar and see how it feels.
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    How did you do it if you don't mind me asking?

  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    Guys...zombie thread from over a year ago. You can stop asking questions.
    well ****. i never check the date on these things i just assume theyre recent lol

    Hate when that happens