What was your motivation to start a healthier lifestyle?



  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I used to be pretty and wanted to be pretty again.

    Also, I was getting really close to having to shop at plus size stores and that just seemed like way too much hassle.
  • Chantelle160
    Chantelle160 Posts: 127
    When I stepped on the scale and it said 225! Realized how unhappy I was and hated the relationship I was in, that kept dragging me down more and more. So I left his sorry *kitten*, who treated me like ****, and changed my whole life. Now I am healthy happy, and on my way to having the body I always wanted. Plus my son is learning that exersise is extremely important and eating healthy is everything. I'm the healthiest I have ever been and am proud of it. :)
  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    It was New Year's Eve. You're supposed to make resolutions, right? So mine were these:
    1. Live Simpler
    2. Learn More
    3. Cuss Less
    4. Get Healthier
    I'm pretty competitive, but even more so (or maybe only) with myself. I gave myself 1 month to see if I could start a change and stick to it. After that I gave myself until month 3 to see some weight loss and feel a little better. Then it was can I continue for 6 months? Now I want to see if I can lose the rest of my weight before the year is out....or sooner. I keep telling myself that I only have to work this hard for a certain amount of time and by the time I reach maintenance, it will be a lifestyle change. It's already happening. You would think that my bp meds (which I'm now off of) and my thyroid meds and my crappy heart would have been enough to get me going. Nope. It was just my stubbornness to do what I said I'd do. (btw, I gave up on the cussing one this month!)
  • Jennyzfit
    Jennyzfit Posts: 175 Member
    Mine is to fight the bone disease and ageing processes.
  • Dusty73085
    Dusty73085 Posts: 40
    My mom emailed me a picture of myself on my 21st birthday and said "Wow! Look how skinny you were!"

    I still have that picture and use it as motivation.

    I also have a trip to Vegas in September with my coworkers...I wanted to trim down as much as I could before I would wear any type of bathing suit in front of them.
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    When I realized that the person I saw in the mirror was NOT who I felt like I was. It's pretty surreal to feel like you weigh ~140lbs and then you look in the mirror and realize you actually weight 75lbs MORE!!

    I just want the "me" in my head to be the me that everyone else sees!
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