How strenuous is your work out?



  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I push about as hard as I can every time I weight train. Burning the inches off my body like crazy!!!
  • carolyn000000
    carolyn000000 Posts: 179 Member
    3 days a week, I am a dripping, sweaty mess for an hour, and there is no way I could carry on a conversation. The other two days are not as intense; I can get a few sentences but not a conversation. I have tried the steady pace, can carry on a conversation route but it did not work for me. My body did not respond to that.
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    i cant talk while lifting...if i can its not heavy enough
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    My workouts vary dramatically. I do some interval workouts where I go all-out for a few minutes, with recoveries in between. More often, I'm doing intervals around my lactate threshold, either longer intervals below it (8-12 minutes just under) or shorter intervals over it. If I'm doing those, I'm not speaking in complete sentences. That's a couple days each week, though. Otherwise, I'm going slow enough that I can converse in complete sentences. On the Borg scale (20 point version,, my hard workouts are 16-18, and my easier ones are 12-15. The hard ones improve lactate threshold, while the easier ones are better for endurance.