Hello Everyone!

Well I have been hanging out on myfitnesspal tracking my calories, carbs, and work outs, posted my blogs but I haven't really introduced myself unless you've read my blogs then you would know probably more than you care to know about me! Anyways! My name is Lori, I am a stay at home mom/wife! I have five children six counting my step daughter. I am a military wife and I am a full time Seminary student at Liberty University (as if being a mom and military wife isnt' enough)! I am from North Carolina but currently the USAF has us in Sumter,SC! Hubby is getting ready to retire this summer so we have lots of new adventures ahead of us as a family! I have always been overweight I don't ever recall being a "normal size" At the age of five I probably weighed 100 pounds! I was teased and picked on to the point I dropped out of high school at the age of 16. I am working on all my pre op stuff so I can have gastric bypass surgery. I am working on my second month of the three month weight management I have to do for tri care and am working on all my pre-op appts and hoping to have the surgery this summer to use as a tool because I am tired of yo yo dieting I'm sick of coming so far but then not being able to get over the hump. Seriously I worked my tail off and was down about 240/250 at one point and for months on end I adjusted calories and work outs and it would not budge but then again I do have PCOS so it is hard for me to lose weight so hopefully this gastric bypass will be just what I need to help me get past the hump and on to a happier and healthier life! I look forward to getting to know y'all pelase feel free to friend me on here!


  • KeshaNicole79
    KeshaNicole79 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Lori! We go to the same college! I am getting my BA in Religion! Currently I'm at Fort Hood, TX, and will be moving to Shaw AFB in about 6 − 8 weeks