Why am i not losing weight!?

I have been on MFP since march the 4th, but had previously been reducing my calories for 2 or so weeks prior.
I am 5ft 5 and have a normal weight according to my bmi however i still am not happy with the appearance of my body :/

Before my dieting i weighed between 8 stone 12 and 9 stone 2. I weighed myself about a month ago and came in at 8 stone 9 (which i was really pleased about!)

I carried on eating the way i was and weighed myself last week coming in at 9 stone... i put this down to water weight but now i have weighed myself again for the past 4 days and it has always been 8 stone 13...

it feels so disappointing to still be the same weight as before i started even though i have been trying my utmost best to be healthier and cut out junk food.

Please someone tell me what i am doing wrong! I'ts ridiculous
My diary is public.


  • Citrislazer
    Citrislazer Posts: 312 Member
    There are many things that could be contributing to not losing weight. It's hard to tell where to start without more info such as current diet details, exercise details, sleep, external factors, genetics, etc. What does your week look like?

    Also, what is it about your body you're not happy with?
  • DopeyDudleyDursley
    9 stones is really quite healthy for a 5ft 5 inch frame. Based on a quick glance it appears you are doing really well on meeting your macros; however, are eating a lot of foods that will cause you to bloat and appear heavier on the scale than you may be health wise.
    Onions, Broccoli, Cheese, Milk and Apples all will have this effect. This doesn't mean you need to cut them out as I eat all those on a regular basis; however, possibly try to introduce some foods that act as diuretics to counter-act these? Examples are: Cucumbers, Celery, Asparagus and Bananas. Another thing could possibly be that your body has gotten into a routine of expecting you to consume 1200 calories. Thus, you could attempt using a method I use called zig zagging calories. Essentially, you keep your body guessing. One day you consume 1400, the next you consume 1000 or something of that sort.

    Also noticed you generally are low on fats. Possibly try and introduce some avocados, almonds and olive oil to your diet to get healthy fats, which actually help eliminate fat!
    Best of luck and don't be discouraged. :)