Weight Gain with 1200 calories

hi :)
its my 2nd week back using mfp. im doing 1200, last week i lost a whopping 2.3kgs
this week i have regained 1kg within 5days. iv used this before and have never gained on 1200!
does anyone have any ideas as to why? I have 30kgs to lose so its not a case of having unreasonable expectations


  • raingirl21
    raingirl21 Posts: 167 Member
    In my opinion, every body is different and it takes some time to figure out what your body needs. You may need to adjust your calories, add a few more if you do a lot of exercise. Even what you choose for your 1200 calories seems to be a factor (I've found that out). And we all gain sometimes so don't let it get you down. Just make some adjustments and you will figure it out in no time!
  • LilKip
    LilKip Posts: 19 Member
    thanx :) its disheartening! i was looking forward to my monday weigh in, til i cheated and weighed early lol
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    thanx :) its disheartening! i was looking forward to my monday weigh in, til i cheated and weighed early lol

    Don't sweat the gain. It is probably water weight. My most recent water weight gain was about 2lbs and lasted 6 days. At the end of the 6 days not only did the 2lbs come off, but I had lost an additional 0.8lbs. I weigh daily, because I like to know when I'm retaining water. I also log it in excel, so I can see the overall pattern.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Weight can fluctuate daily around 5 pounds or so for everybody. That's why daily weighing is not typically recommended. We need to give ourselves at least an honest week before making judgements on whether or not what we are doing is working. I typically wait 3-4 weeks because of female hormones and how they affect water retention.

    And are you sure that 1200 is enough calories for you? Are you eating exercise calories back, or just eating a VLCD while exercising?
  • LilKip
    LilKip Posts: 19 Member
    i feel 1200 is enough, im not hungry, weak , lightheaded, no headaches (my usual warning signs of not eating enough)
    im not excercising atm due to wrking overtime (in an office, mostly sitting). when i do excercise, im stoked that i get to eat sumting more, even if its only 100calories worth.
  • TheNesa
    TheNesa Posts: 3
    To the OP, did you eventually continue to lose on 1200? If so about how long did it take for you to come out of your rut, or did you need to make changes to your diet? I am currently slowly gaining on an average of about 1200 (I'm 5'1 tall) and am trying to figure out how patient I should be.