Vacation Help?

Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So my husband and I are taking a little anniversary trip to Hawaii, and I'm not quite sure how keeping track is going to work.

I don't have an iPod or any way to keep up with the diary while I'm out. When I'm just at home, this is no big deal, since I'm on the computer for work and can come on here just about whenever I need to.

But while there, we'll be out all day, most likely eating out for almost every meal, and I'm doubtful that the restaurants will have nutritional information. With no way to track during the day, I'm worried that I'm going to have a really bad week, eating wise.

I know it will help that we'll be outside and walking around a lot, so even though I won't be on the Wii or the treadmill I'll probably be getting more exercise than I am used to anyways, so that should help, but I still feel like that won't be enough to off-set whatever I'm eating.

I can obviously stay away from fried foods, or things with a cream sauce, but other than that, I'm a bit at a loss about what to do. Even salads aren't necessarily a healthy option if you don't know what is in the dressing!

Times like these, I so wish I had an iPod... that way I could track as I go and even if it is an estimate, get an idea before I order what is in it and if that is a good choice.

Anyone have any suggestions? I want to enjoy my vacation and not stress, but I don't want to get home and realize that I put back on a ton of weight.


  • Kath15
    Kath15 Posts: 165 Member
    You might just have to go "old school" and carry around a pad of paper & pen. If you are used to logging in daily, I think it will be hard not to keep track at all. Or, if the hotel has a computer or there's an internet cafe, maybe you can log in every couple days or so. You might want to get a copy of the Doctor's Pocket Calorie, Fat & Carbohydrate Counter book because you may find it helpful being out and about. Honestly, you should try to enjoy your vacation and not obsess about it so much. But, you're right, you may get mad at yourself if you just let yourself loose. Just track as best as you can. Have a great vacation!
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    I think that as long as you're eating smart you'll be fine. When I left town for our anniversary weekend I gained SIX pounds even though I walked on a treadmill for about 45 min a day (gone 2½ days) at the hotel, but I KNEW I'd gain weight and planned on eating whatever I wanted to because I didn't want to ruin our time alone by obessing over my weight and I didn't want to feel guilty for enjoying my food. It took me about 2-3 weeks to get it off afterwards but it was well worth it.

    The way I record calories for when I'm gone (I don't have an IPOD or anything either) is I just added "Holiday Meal" and "one day's worth of calories" to My Meals so that my diary isn't blank.

    Have a great time and try not to obsess. I really do think that if you're mindful of what you're chosing you'll be fine. I'd love to go to Hawaii!!!
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